Minecraft UUID Utils is a set of ready to use PHP classes to fetch Minecraft usernames or uuids from either a uuid or username.
These classes allow you to find a user's UUID from their Username or Username from UUID.
Returns the username of the Minecraft Profile
Returns the UUID of the Minecraft Profile
Returns base64 encoded string.
This string contains information such as Skin, ProfileName, TimeStamp.
String must be decoded first to retrieve information.
Properties | Descriptions |
"username" | Returns the users username |
"uuid" | Returns the users UUID |
"properties" | Returns base64 encoded info for players. Information must be decoded to get extra data such as Skin, ProfileName, TimeStamp |
Make sure to include the Minecraft UUID library.
$profile = ProfileUtils::getProfile("Shadowwolf97");
if ($profile != null) {
$result = $profile->getProfileAsArray();
echo 'username: '.$result['username'].'<br>';
echo 'uuid: '.$result['uuid'].'<br/>';
$profile = ProfileUtils::getProfile("c465b1543c294dbfa7e3e0869504b8d8");
if ($profile != null) {
$result = $profile->getProfileAsArray();
echo 'username: '.$result['username'].'<br>';
echo 'uuid: '.$result['uuid'].'<br/>';
Usage, Username to UUID, and UUID to Username (above) goes live with this file.
It accepts GET Request with either username or uuid.
Append "?username=YOUR_USER_NAME" to retrieve associated UUID OR Append "?uuid=YOUR_UUID" to retrieve associated Username
This will print out Username and UUID on the screen.
There are also functions that may be called that might be useful.
Takes in a string username.
This function will convert the username and will return an array. This array is in the format of (Key => Value) "username" => Minecraft username (properly capitalized) "uuid" => Minecraft UUID.
Takes in an array of usernames in string formatting.
This function will convert up to 100 usernames and will return an array containing arrays. This internal array is in the format of (Key => Value) "username" => Minecraft username (properly capitalized) "uuid" => Minecraft UUID.
Takes in an unformatted UUID string and returns a formatted uuid string.