Difficulty Count ✅ Easy 59 ⚡ Medium 60 🔥 Hard 11 ⭐ Total 130
- ✅ 1 - Two Sum / Cpp / C# / Python
- ⚡ 2 - Add Two Numbers / Cpp / python
- ⚡ 3 - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters / Cpp / Python
- ⚡ 6 - Zigzag Conversion / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- ⚡ 8 - String to Integer / Cpp
- ✅ 9 - Palindrome Number / Python
- ⚡ 11 - Container With Most Water / Cpp
- ⚡ 12 - Integer to Roman / Python
- ✅ 13 - Roman to Integer / Cpp / Python
- ✅ 14 - Longest Common Prefix / Cpp
- ⚡ 15 - 3Sum / Java / Python
- ⚡ 19 - Remove Nth Node From End of List / Cpp
- ✅ 20 - Valid Parentheses / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2 / Python - V1 / Python - V2
- ✅ 21 - Merge Two Sorted Lists / Cpp / Python
- 🔥 25 - Reverse Nodes in k-Group / Cpp
- ✅ 26 - Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array / C
- ✅ 27 - Remove Element / C / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- ✅ 28 - Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String / Cpp
- 🔥 30 - Substring with Concatenation of All Words / Cpp
- ⚡ 36 - Valid Sudoku / Cpp / Python
- ⚡ 40 - Combination Sum II / Cpp
- 🔥 41 - First Missing Positive / Cpp
- 🔥 42 - Trapping Rain Water / Cpp
- ⚡ 45 - Jump Game II / Cpp
- ⚡ 48 - Rotate Image / Cpp
- ⚡ 49 - Group Anagrams / Cpp
- ⚡ 54 - Spiral Matrix / Cpp
- ⚡ 55 - Jump Game / Cpp
- ⚡ 56 - Merge Intervals / Cpp
- ⚡ 57 - Insert Interval / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- ✅ 58 - Length of Last Word / Cpp
- ⚡ 61 - Rotate List / Cpp
- 🔥 68 - Text Justification / Cpp
- ✅ 69 - Sqrt(x) / Cpp
- ⚡ 71 - Simplify Path / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- ⚡ 73 - Set Matrix Zeroes / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- 🔥 76 - Minimum Window Substring / Cpp
- ⚡ 80 - Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II / Cpp
- ⚡ 82 - Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II / Cpp
- ⚡ 86 - Partition List / Cpp
- ✅ 88 - Merge Sorted Array / Cpp
- ⚡ 92 - Reverse Linked List II / Cpp
- ✅ 94 - Binary Tree Inorder Traversal / Cpp
- ✅ 100 - Same Tree / Cpp / Python / Java
- ✅ 101 - Symmetric Tree / Java
- ✅ 104 - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree / Cpp / Python
- ⚡ 105 - Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal / Java
- ⚡ 106 - Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal / Java
- ✅ 112 - Path Sum / Cpp
- ⚡ 114 - Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List / Cpp
- ⚡ 117 - Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II / Java
- ✅ 121 - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock / Cpp
- ⚡ 122 - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II / Cpp
- 🔥 124 - Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum / Cpp
- ✅ 125 - Valid Palindrome / Cpp / Python
- ⚡ 128 - Longest Consecutive Sequence / Cpp
- ⚡ 129 - Sum Root to Leaf Numbers / Cpp
- ⚡ 134 - Gas Station / Cpp
- 🔥 135 - Candy / Cpp
- ⚡ 138 - Copy List with Random Pointer / Cpp
- ✅ 141 - Linked List Cycle / Cpp / Python
- ✅ 145 - Binary Tree Postorder Traversal / Cpp
- ⚡ 146 - LRU Cache / Cpp
- ⚡ 150 - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation / Cpp
- ⚡ 151 - Reverse Words in a String / Cpp
- ⚡ 167 - Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted / Cpp
- ✅ 169 - Majority Element / Cpp / Python
- ⚡ 173 - Binary Search Tree Iterator / Cpp
- ⚡ 189 - Rotate Array / Cpp
- ✅ 195 - Tenth Line / Bash
- ✅ 197 - Rising Temperature / MySQL / PostgreSQL
- ⚡ 199 - Binary Tree Right Side View / Cpp
- ⚡ 200 - Number of Islands / Cpp
- ✅ 202 - Happy Number / Cpp
- ✅ 205 - Isomorphic Strings / Cpp
- ⚡ 209 - Minimum Size Subarray_Sum / Cpp / Python
- ⚡ 215 - Kth Largest Element in an Array / Python
- ✅ 219 - Contains Duplicate II / Cpp
- 🔥 224 - Basic Calculator / Cpp
- ✅ 226 - Invert Binary Tree / Cpp
- ✅ 228 - Summary Ranges / Cpp / Java
- ✅ 234 - Palindrome Linked List / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- ⚡ 238 - Product of Array Except Self / Cpp
- ✅ 242 - Valid Anagram / Python
- ⚡ 264 - Ugly Number II / Cpp
- ⚡ 274 - H-Index / Cpp
- ✅ 278 - First Bad Version / Cpp
- ⚡ 289 - Game of Life / Cpp
- ✅ 290 - Word Pattern / Cpp
- ⚡ 380 - Insert Delete GetRandom / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- ✅ 383 - Ransom Note / Cpp / Python
- ✅ 392 - Is Subsequence / Cpp / Python
- ⚡ 452 - Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons / Cpp
- ✅ 509 - Fibonacci Number / C
- ✅ 530 - Minimum Absolute Difference in BST / Cpp
- ⚡ 570 - Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports / MySQL / PostgreSQL
- ✅ 577 - Employee Bonus / MySQL / PostgreSQL
- ✅ 584 - Find Customer Referee / Sql
- ✅ 590 - N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal / Cpp
- ✅ 595 - Big Countries / Sql
- ⚡ 624 - Maximum Distance in Arrays / Cpp
- ⚡ 650 - 2 Keys Keyboard / Python
- ✅ 703 - Kth Largest Element in a Stream / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- 🔥 719 - Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance / Cpp
- ⚡ 840 - Magic Squares In Grid / Cpp
- ✅ 860 - Lemonade Change / Cpp
- ⚡ 885 - Spiral Matrix III / Cpp
- ⚡ 959 - Regions Cut By Slashes / Cpp - V1 / Cpp - V2
- ✅ 1068 - Product Sales Analysis I / Sql
- ✅ 1148 - Article Views I / Sql
- ✅ 1280 - Students and Examinations / MySQL / PostgreSQL
- ✅ 1378 - Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier / Sql
- ⚡ 1514 - Path with Maximum Probability / Cpp
- 🔥 1568 - Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island / Python
- ✅ 1581 - Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions / Sql
- ✅ 1661 - Average Time of Process per Machine / MySQL / PostgreSQL
- ✅ 1683 - Invalid Tweets / Sql
- ✅ 1757 - Recyclable and Low Fat Products / Sql
- ⚡ 1894 - Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk / Cpp
- ⚡ 1937 - Maximum Number of Points with Cost / Cpp
- ✅ 1945 - Sum of Digits of String After Convert / Cpp
- ✅ 2022 - Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array / Cpp
- ⚡ 2390 - Removing Stars From a String / Cpp
- ✅ 2574 - Left and Right Sum Differences / Cpp
- ✅ 2667 - Create Hello World Function / JavaScript
- ✅ 2696 - Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings / Cpp
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