QA at Aurea Retail Solutions
- Rawalpindi, Pakistan
- @ShaheryarGD
NUST_Transport_Portal Public
Web Engineering Project of 5th Semester, development of NUST Transport Portal (unofficial)
search-engine-python Public
A search engine for Wikipedia Pages built using Python 3.6. Indexing, Ranking code all in one file. Small scale demonstration of PageRank algorithm.
Python UpdatedDec 21, 2019 -
learntocode-website-python Public
1st Semester Project in which I used Python 3.x to create a website containing tutorials on programming. Django not used
HTML MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2019 -
jquery.redirect Public
Forked from mgalante/jquery.redirectjQuery Redirect Plugin
JavaScript UpdatedMay 30, 2018