lean4 Public
Forked from leanprover/lean4Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
Lean Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 16, 2023 -
stacks-project Public
Forked from stacks/stacks-projectRepository for the Stacks Project
TeX Other UpdatedSep 10, 2022 -
mathlib Public
Forked from leanprover-community/mathlib3Lean mathematical components library
Lean Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 18, 2022 -
FTB-Industrial-Contraptions Public
Forked from FTBTeam/FTB-Industrial-ContraptionsLet's give this a go?
Java UpdatedJan 15, 2022 -
jordan-holder Public
A proof of the Jordan-Hölder theorem, formalized in the Lean Proof Assistant
Racket Updated
Mar 23, 2019 -
pie Public
Forked from the-little-typer/pieThe Pie language, which accompanies The Little Typer by Friedman and Christiansen
Racket GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 21, 2018 -
souffle Public
Forked from souffle-lang/souffleSoufflé is a variant of Datalog for tool designers crafting analyses in Horn clauses. Soufflé synthesizes a native parallel C++ program from a logic specification.
C++ UpdatedNov 2, 2018 -
documentation Public
Forked from purescript/documentationDocumentation for the PureScript language, compiler, and tools.
UpdatedMay 19, 2018 -
Cosette Public
Forked from uwdb/CosetteCosette is an automated SQL solver powered by Coq and Rosette.
Lean BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 12, 2018 -
myTCG Public
A *very* barebones TCG created as my final project for APCS.
Kotlin UpdatedFeb 22, 2018 -
Source-Formatter-Chrome-Extension Public
Forked from sawyercole/Source-Formatter-Chrome-ExtensionThis extension reformats the Seattle Schools website “The Source” (https://ps.seattleschools.org/public/). It's completely unofficial so don’t contact Seattle Schools if something is broken.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 9, 2018 -
PowerUp Public
Forked from IronRiders/PowerUpThe Roosevelt Iron Riders' (Team 4180) Iterative Java program for the 2018 FIRST Robotics Competition
Java UpdatedFeb 9, 2018 -
FRCDashboard Public
Forked from FRCDashboard/FRCDashboard🎮 Extensible, JavaScript-based driving dashboard framework for the FIRST Robotics Competition.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 18, 2018 -
SmartAssistantAssistant Public
A unified API for creating Alexa Skills and Google Actions
lean-1 Public
Forked from leanprover/lean3Lean Theorem Prover
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 6, 2018 -
hackett Public
Forked from lexi-lambda/hackettWIP implementation of a Haskell 98-like Lisp in Racket
leanup Public
Forked from uwplse/leanupA Lean nightly installer for CSE 505.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 14, 2017 -
better-parse Public
Forked from h0tk3y/better-parseA nice parser combinator library for Kotlin
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 10, 2017