The plain text organizer for ViM
The vorg format is designed to be easy on the eyes and readable in any text editor.
- Today
- [ ] Call Tom <office> <2m>
- [ ] Pick-up my laundry <car> <30m>
- Someday
- [ ] Read "Getting Things Done" <book>
- [ ] Watch "Men Of Valor" <movie>
- Projects
- Setup my Blog
- [x] Choose blogging software <1h>
- [ ] Choose a hosting provider <30m>
- [ ] Design my template <3h>
- [ ] Write my first post <puter> <1h>
- Trip to Italy
- [x] Gather sites <puter> <1h>
- [x] Plan route <puter> <30m>
- [ ] Book an apartment <puter> <30m>
- [ ] Rent a car
- [ ] Reserve flights
- Logbook
- 2012-10-23 @ 12:00 | Found a nice CSS tool <tools>
Vorg is a hierarchical file format. You organize your notes, tasks and text in sections, sub-sections, sub-sub-sections etc. Tasks are a special kind of sections. Tasks can be marked done and are prioritized based on their order.
- Section
- Sub-Section
- [ ] First Priority Task
- [x] Second Priority Task
A valid vorg file uses (exactly) 2 spaces to indent items. This scheme ensures your files will be readable in any editor. This is not a technical constraint. It is an aesthetic constraint designed to make sure vorg files are easy to read.
Sections and tasks can contain any number of lines of free text aligned with the section title.
- Section
- Sub-Section
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua.
Sections and tasks can be tagged. Tags can be used to indicate context or category and are important when you need to gather items from a large set of long vorg files.
- Section <tag1> <tag2>
- [ ] My Task <tag3>
The ViM plugin have the following keyboard shortcuts predefined:
- -- indent and begin a new section
- -= indent and begin a new task
- -- : toggle a task checkbox