- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- PassportJS
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Other NPM Packages - bcryptjs, body-parser, jsonwebtoken, nodemon, passport-jwt, validator
- Postman
Route Number-Type | Route | Description | ACCESS |
R01- GET | /api/auth/ | just for testing | PUBLIC |
R02- POST | /api/auth/register/ | route for registration of users | PUBLIC |
R03- POST | /api/auth/login | route for login of users | PUBLIC |
R04- GET | /api/auth/profile | route for user profile | PRIVATE |
R05- GET | /api/profile/ | route for personnal user profile | PRIVATE |
R06- POST | /api/profile/ | route for UPDATING/SAVING personnal user profile | PRIVATE |
R07- GET | /api/profile/:username | route for getting user profile based on USERNAME | PUBLIC |
R08- GET | /api/profile/find/everyone | route for getting user profile of EVERYONE | PUBLIC |
R09- DELETE | /api/profile/ | route for deleting user based on ID | PRIVATE |
R10- POST | /api/profile/workrole/ | route for adding work profile of a person | PRIVATE |
R11- DELETE | /api/profile/workrole/:w_id | route for deleting a specific workrole | PRIVATE |
R12- GET | /api/questions/ | route for showing all questions | PUBLIC |
R13- POST | /api/questions/ | route for submitting questions | PRIVATE |
R14- POST | /api/questions/answers/:id | route for submitting answers to questions | PRIVATE |
R15- POST | /api/questions/upvote/:id | route for for upvoting | PRIVATE |