(UTC -12:00) - in/shankar-karmi-878914262
- https://www.quora.com/profile/Shankar-Karmi-1
Kevin Rush Portfolio built to display Animation using Framer Motion with React Library
This e-learning website is crafted using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript, offering a modern and interactive platform for online education. It features responsive design, intuitive navigation, …
React feedback app from React course
Your own API Hub to learn and master API interaction. Ideal for frontend, mobile dev and backend developers.
Meta Lingua: a lean, efficient, and easy-to-hack codebase to research LLMs.
This is a very beautiful landing page of desert.
This will provide options of calculator without button
Explore a curated collection of 22+ 🔥 web projects showcasing the art of web design with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Perfect for learning and inspiration. Join us in creating beautiful web experienc…