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CompactOject Public
Forked from ChunHuangPhy/CompactObjectAn open-source package for neutron star whole workflow Bayesian nference constraining Neutron star EOS package
pbu Public
This repo is official implementation of the partially blinded unleanring paper.
Hin_Humor- Public
Detection of Humor in Hindi language: Dataset and Baseline System
Prediction-Of-GRB-Light-Curves-Using-Bi-Directional-LSTM Public
Forked from AmitShukla2808/Prediction-Of-GRB-Light-Curves-Using-Bi-Directional-LSTMThis repository holds the source code for predicting missing points of GRB Light Curves Using Bi-Directional LSTM. It also holds the results generated via code for various classes of GRBs taken fro…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 26, 2023 -
Mathematica Code to analyse Closure Relationships of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRBs) for the ones detected by Fermi-LAT, Swift XRT and in the Optical Wavelength