A bot built to parse, learn & provide RSS feed data. Built using the Microsoft Bot Framework.
##Setting up the bot ####Configuring up the translator Please generate a Translator Key on Microsoft Azure (Cognitive Services APIs -> Translator Text API)
Replace the placeholder BING_TRANSLATE_KEY with this key
####Configuration Natural Language Understanding (LUIS) You will also need to create a LUIS.ai endpoint
Once you have created the following intents, train the model and then click publish.
Replace the placeholder LUIS_ENDPOINT_URL with this url
- genConvo
- This is used when the user says "Hi", "Hello" etc. Train it to your liking.
- loadRSS
- This is the intent which is called when the user wants to parse a RSS feed into the bot carousel
- genVulgarity
- For lols, if the user decides to scold the bot, you may invoke this intent
- getLanguages
- This intent will list out all the available translation shortcodes (Eg. en, ko, in)
##Connecting with an emulator Download the Bot Framework Emulator
- Run the bot on Node.js with the following command "node app.js"
- Make sure you change the directory of your console to the folder it is saved in first
- Input the URL as http://localhost:3978/api/messages
- Leave the Microsoft App ID and Microsoft App Password fields empty and then connect