لیست دسته بندیهای سایت دیجیکالا با حفظ ساختار درختی
🗺 MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console - enter => telnet <= on Mac (brew install telnet) and Linux, connect with PuTTY on Windows
Django Rest Framework e-commerce project
Build a complete e-commerce platform. Author Melvin Kisten tackles CRUD functions and connects the system to a database of MongoDB (Document database). Created a full-stack platform using JavaScrip…
Habaneras de Lino is an online ecommerce. This repo contains the frontend developed using NEXT JS for producing a React js web application
All Algorithms implemented in Python
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
The simplest and most general way to manage action-based permissions, serializers, and querysets dependent on permission-based rules for the Django REST framework!
Collection of awesome python podcasts, conferences, etc., to stay updated.
Deploy your Telegram bot using Docker
Source-code for the "matnbaz" project (Archived)
Django REST Framework JWT-based Authentication with Server-Side Tokens.
A simple implementation DCGAN with TensorFlow for MNIST dataset.
Read the guide on to see how to implement these.
پر کردن خودکار فرم ارزیابی اساتید دانشگاه دولتی کاشان
An anthology of a variety of tools for the Persian language in Python
Mr. Hashemi Programming Language
A pluggable Django comments application with thread support, follow-up notifications, mail confirmation, like/dislike flags, moderation, a ReactJS plugin and Bootstrap 5.3.
A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin with fractional rating support.
A django model and form field for normalised phone numbers using python-phonenumbers
😻 😿 An original browser game built with JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5. Feed your cat carefully.
Blog Clone Project made with Python using Django