This is a header only library. Simpily include the headerfile and use!
Look at the example main.c to see all the functionality.
git clone &&
cd dsvParser &&
make &&
typedef struct {
char*** content;
size_t rows;
size_t cols;
bool valid;
} DSV;
- The struct can be checked to see if it is valid after each operation
- Read delim seperated value file into a DSV struct (
- Escapes inner deliminators with "", for example one,"tw,o",three will be parsed correctly
- Supports '\' escaping, so '\,' will not start a newline in a csv for example
- Write DSV to a file with a customer deliminator which allows for escaping
- Loop through each element of the array using the rows and cols to do with what you like
- Insert row
- Delete row
- print DSV
- Easy to free using the dsvFreeDSV function using the dsvFreeDSV function
- Most functions returns an int value where 0 means success or a DSV struct that may be valid
DSV dsvParseFile(char* filepath, char delim);
int dsvWriteFile(DSV parsed,char* filepath,char delim);
int dsvInsertRow(DSV *dsv, char** tmp_row, size_t position);
int dsvRemoveRow(DSV *dsv, size_t position);
void dsvPrintDSV(DSV parsed);
int dsvFreeDSV(DSV parsed);
you can also access elements directly like so (example printing)
for (size_t i = 0; i<parsed_csv.rows; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j<parsed_csv.cols; j++) {
printf("%s ",parsed_csv.content[i][j]);