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This is the Shimmer Research repository for TinyOS applications.

For more information about shimmer wireless sensor motes see

For more information about the TinyOS operating system see


A (very) brief description of the contents follows:

  • apps/BluetoothMaster
    Simple application that demonstrates how to use Bluetooth master mode

  • apps/BtStream
    All purpose configurable Bluetooth sensing and streaming application

  • apps/FirmwareIdentifireList.txt
    List of identifiers used by applications to identify themselves

  • apps/GpsSleep
    Simple application that shows how to save power on a shimer with a GPS daughter card attached (when the daughter card's sensors are not in use)

  • apps/JustFATLogging
    Simple application that logs accelerometer data to the SD card

  • apps/SDLog
    Fully configurable logging to SD card with relative time synchronisation

  • apps/SimpleAccel
    Simple application that streams accelerometer data over Bluetooth

  • apps/SimpleAccelGyro
    Simple application that streams accelerometer and gyroscope data over the 802.15.4 radio

  • apps/SimpleGSR
    Simple application that streams GSR data over Bluetooth

  • apps/SyncedRadioTx
    Application that demonstrates how to coordinate multiple shimmers transmitting over the 802.15.4 radio at (relatively) high data rates

  • apps/TestBluetooth
    Simple application to demonstrate how to use the Bluetooth radio (in slave mode)

  • apps/TestGPS
    Simple application that demonstrates how to use the GPS daughter card

  • apps/TestSerialTime
    Simple application to demonstrate how to send a "real world" timestamp to a shimmer of the serial port

  • apps/TestTiltSwitch
    Simple application to demonstrate how to use the tilt switch on shimmer2 and shimmer2r devices

  • apps/TestUserButton
    Simple application to demonstrate how to make use of the user button on the dock or external expansion board

  • apps/Legacy
    This directory contains applications that have been superseded by newer applications

  • apps/Legacy/AccelECG
    Streams accelerometer and ECG data over Bluetooth using the "BioMOBIUS" packet format
    Superseded by BtStream

  • apps/Legacy/AccelGyro
    Streams accelerometer and gyroscope data over Bluetooth using the "BioMOBIUS" packet format
    Superseded by BtStream

  • apps/Legacy/BoilerPlate
    All purpose configurable Bluetooth sensing and streaming application
    Became BtStream

  • apps/Legacy/GyroMag
    Streams gyroscope and magnetometer data over Bluetooth using the "BioMOBIUS" packet format
    Superseded by BtStream

  • apps/Legacy/HostTimeLogging
    Logs accelerometer data to SD card
    Also demonstrates how to read a "real world" timestamp over the shimmer's serial port
    Superseded by SdLog

  • apps/Legacy/ParamLogging
    Configurable sensing application that logs to SD card
    Superseded by SdLog

  • apps/Legacy/TestGyroBoard
    Logs gyroscope data to SD card
    Superseded by SdLog