Implemented "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (NIPS 2012)" a.k.a. Alexnet using tensorflow2.
I have implemented their customized nesterov gradient descent optimizer, but do not design distribution learning.
As shown below, the top-1 validation error using 1-CNN model achieved 39.98, similar to that described in Table 2 of the paper (40.7).
Top 5 validation error acheived 5.77 because I have used only 10 classes to train and validate the model.
Download ILSVR2012 dataset.
Run the setup shell script file that can download from here
Convert imagenet dataset to tfrecord
python --traindir "\train\dir\abs\path" --valdir "\val\dir\abs\path" --output_path "output/dir/name"
python --traindir "tfrecord_train_dir_abs_path" --valdir "tfrecord_val_dir_abs_path"