A small add-on for AbyssalCraft
AbyssalCraft heads is a small add-on to AbyssalCraft that adds heads for each entity in the mod (the "head" in question is a item textured with the entity's face). The mod can be downloaded at http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/229609-abyssalcraft-heads
This mod is licensed as "All Rights Reserved", but the code can still be freely used in any way, as long as you rename everything and make it not look like the code in this repository (or something similar to those circumstances).
Eventhough this mod is entirely independant from AbyssalCraft, it still has it as a hard dependency, so if you want to run this mod inside a dev environment, you'd need to either remove AbyssalCraft from the dependency list in the @Mod annotation, or include a compiled version of AbyssalCraft from https://github.com/Shinoow/AbyssalCraft/tree/dev/jars/dev In the future, there might be a maven repo for AbyssalCraft, so compiled jar files can easier be downloaded and imported.
If there's something you'd like to change in the mod, file a pull request, and I'll include the code on the circumstance that it's something that'd work good in the mod.