For Creating a AKS cluster with Automatic deployments:
- A valid Azure subscription
- kubectl installed
- azure-cli installed
- Create a resource group, acr and aks:
az group create --name test-nginx --location uksouth
az acr create --resource-group test-nginx --name shrestharajat --sku Basic
az aks create --resource-group test-nginx --name nginx-cluster --node-count 1 --enable-addons monitoring
- Link the ACR to AKS
az aks update -n nginx-cluster -g test-nginx --attach-acr shrestharajat
- Push an initial image to ACR
az acr build --image nginx/testnginx:latest --registry shrestharajat --file Dockerfile .
Create and setup automatic deployment via azure portal
- Go to cluster>automatic deployments>create cluster
- Select a github workflow name same as the deployment name
- Select repo and branch
- Go to Image settings after setting repo
- Select Dockerfile
- Select ACR and image repository image
- Go to Deployment details
- Select Kubernetes manifest
- Select the deployment yml file
- Select default namespace (Do not create a new one)
- Review and create
- After a while, a pull request will be created
- Go to your github repo and accept the pull request If you do not want to use the default namespace you will need to define a new service and ingress
Enable the Github action to fetch the image by setting ACR credentials on GHA secrets
- On the repository start page, select the Settings tab. In the menu, select Secrets.
- Set the following secrets: ACR_NAME = shrestharajat ACR_LOGIN = shrestharajat ACR_PASSWORD = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To get these values you can use the following commands:
az acr list --query "[?contains(resourceGroup, 'test-nginx')].loginServer" -o table
az acr credential show --name --query "username" -o table
az acr credential show --name --query "passwords[0].value" -o table
# set context
az aks get-credentials --resource-group test-nginx --name nginx-cluster
kubectl config view
# Get the svc and pod details
kubectl get svc
kubectl get pods -o wide
# apply the deployments locally
kubectl apply -f ./nginx-test.yml