CSCE-678-Final-Project Public
Forked from Gautham103/CSCE-678-Final-ProjectPython UpdatedApr 13, 2020 -
darknet Public
Forked from AlexeyAB/darknetWindows and Linux version of Darknet Yolo v3 & v2 Neural Networks for object detection (Tensor Cores are used)
C Other UpdatedApr 7, 2020 -
active-learning Public
Forked from google/active-learningPython Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 19, 2020 -
hw-acceptance-unit-test-cycle Public
Forked from saasbook/hw-acceptance-unit-test-cycleHTML UpdatedMar 11, 2020 -
rottenpotatoes-rails-intro Public
Forked from saasbook/rottenpotatoes-rails-introRottenPotatoes app skeleton for saasbook/hw-rails-intro
Ruby UpdatedFeb 17, 2020 -
hw-ruby-intro Public
Forked from saasbook/hw-ruby-introRuby Introduction Assignment for Agile Development using Ruby on Rails
Ruby UpdatedJan 30, 2020 -
Pattern-Recognition Public
Face Detection using Viola Jones Algorithm
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 9, 2019 -
Interpretations based Classification
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 1, 2019 -
kalman_filter_multi_object_tracking Public
Forked from srianant/kalman_filter_multi_object_trackingMultiple object tracking using Kalman Filter and Hungarian Algorithm - OpenCV
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 20, 2019 -
Yelp_Sentiment_Analysis Public
Forked from zzhang83/Yelp_Sentiment_AnalysisYelp_Review
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 31, 2017 -
yelp-dataset-challenge Public
Forked from knowitall/yelp-dataset-challengeInformation extraction over restaurant reviews for the Yelp Dataset Challenge
Python UpdatedMay 23, 2013