I'm a business student that loves to learn. Man of many talents (humble brag): A self taught designer, programmer and data science enthusiast. I also love selling people crazy ideas!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning - dbt, analytics engineering, bayesian statistics, a/b testing and just being a better analyst.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I have a thing for mechanical keyboards - an obsession really and I'm super funny (at least some times)!
- Pragmatic Python on Medium - a series of practical Python tutorials for non software engineers!
- The State of Chicago’s Taxis - A data story about the decline of Chicago’s taxis using 202 million taxi trips from Chicago open data; it was found that the roles of taxis are changing and they are now only used when ride sharing services are not convenient/expensive
- Video Games: What Sells? - A dive into what factors influence sales in the Video Game industry using 17k game reviews from Kaggle; it was found that review scores generally have no impact on game sales and game developers are likely to sell their games more when they develop M rated titles or games for Nintendo consoles
- Retail Analytics Showcase - An interactive web-app that goes into the use cases of retail analytics such as product recommendations and churn prediction; this project also aims to teach and use various statistical techniques that are used in retail analytics such as collaborative filtering, decision trees, ensemble methods, k-means clustering and PCA
- Excel and Data Analytics Course - Online course instructor for an edtech platform teaching the basics of Data Analytics, Excel and Power BI
- Publication: https://medium.com/@shuvo_11323
- Newsletter: https://slightlyinteresting.substack.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shuvo-saha-shushmoy/
- Tableau Visualizations: https://public.tableau.com/profile/shuvo.saha3090#!/