This repository contains the backend code for a crowdfunding platform specifically designed to support fundraising efforts for Palestine. It provides a comprehensive set of APIs for user registration, login, Google OAuth2 authentication, session management, and integration with Midtrans for handling donations. The platform aims to facilitate secure and efficient fundraising and donor management. #freepalestine
- User Authentication: Supports registration, login with email/password, and Google OAuth2 authentication.
- Password Encryption: User passwords are securely hashed using bcrypt.js.
- Session Management: Utilizes express-session for managing user sessions.
- Google OAuth2 Integration: Allows users to authenticate using Google OAuth2.
- JWT Authentication: Provides JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication for secure communication.
- Rate Limiting: Includes rate limiting to prevent abuse of endpoints.
- Error Handling: Proper error handling for various scenarios.
- CORS Configuration: Supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for frontend integration.
Before starting, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Open Folder
cd Crowdfunding-Backend
- Install Dependecies
npm install
- Setting Up Environment
cp .env.example .env
- Run Project
npm run start:dev
For linting the code, use the following commands:
npm run lint
Linting dan otomatis fix
npm run lint:fix
For automatic testing, ensure you have newman installed:
Automatic testing
npm install newman --global
npm run test
The backend is deployed on Vercel and can be accessed at
Postman API Documentation click here
Some endpoints require authentication and proper permissions.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description |
/users/register | POST | Mendaftarkan pengguna baru. |
/users/login | POST | Login pengguna dengan email/kata sandi. |
/users/:id | PUT | Memperbarui informasi pengguna berdasarkan ID (Middleware). |
/users/:id | GET | Mendapatkan detail pengguna berdasarkan ID. |
/users/profile | GET | Mendapatkan profile pengguna yang sedang login. |
/users/:id | DELETE | Menghapus data user (Middleware). |
/users | GET | Mendapatkan semua record user. |
/auth/google | GET | Memulai autentikasi Google OAuth2. |
/auth/google/callback | GET | URL callback setelah autentikasi Google. |
/auth/login/success | GET | Memeriksa status autentikasi pengguna. |
/auth/logout | GET | Logout pengguna. |
/fundraisers | GET | Mendapatkan semua data penggalangan. |
/fundraisers/:id | GET | Mendapatkan data penggalangan berdasarkan ID. |
/fundraisers | POST | Menambahkan data penggalangan dana (Middleware). |
/fundraisers/:id | PUT | Memperbarui data penggalangan dana (Middleware). |
/fundraisers/:id | DELETE | Menghapus data penggalangan dana (Middleware). |
/donations | POST | Menambahkan data donasi. |
/donations/notification | POST | Menangani notifikasi pembayaran dari Midtrans. |
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Exprress Validator
- Newman
- MongoDB
- Passport.js
- OAuth2
- Bcrypt.js
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Midtrans
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.