Vaultlyn is an Open-Source symmetric encryption vault program made using Python and has a Command-line user interface which can be operated via Menu.
VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV lllllll tttt lllllll
V::::::V V::::::V l:::::l ttt:::t l:::::l
V::::::V V::::::V l:::::l t:::::t l:::::l
V::::::V V::::::V l:::::l t:::::t l:::::l
V:::::V V:::::Vaaaaaaaaaaaaa uuuuuu uuuuuu l::::lttttttt:::::ttttttt l::::lyyyyyyy yyyyyyynnnn nnnnnnnn
V:::::V V:::::V a::::::::::::a u::::u u::::u l::::lt:::::::::::::::::t l::::l y:::::y y:::::y n:::nn::::::::nn
V:::::V V:::::V aaaaaaaaa:::::au::::u u::::u l::::lt:::::::::::::::::t l::::l y:::::y y:::::y n::::::::::::::nn
V:::::V V:::::V a::::au::::u u::::u l::::ltttttt:::::::tttttt l::::l y:::::y y:::::y nn:::::::::::::::n
V:::::V V:::::V aaaaaaa:::::au::::u u::::u l::::l t:::::t l::::l y:::::y y:::::y n:::::nnnn:::::n
V:::::V V:::::V aa::::::::::::au::::u u::::u l::::l t:::::t l::::l y:::::y y:::::y n::::n n::::n
V:::::V:::::V a::::aaaa::::::au::::u u::::u l::::l t:::::t l::::l y:::::y:::::y n::::n n::::n
V:::::::::V a::::a a:::::au:::::uuuu:::::u l::::l t:::::t tttttt l::::l y:::::::::y n::::n n::::n
V:::::::V a::::a a:::::au:::::::::::::::uul::::::l t::::::tttt:::::tl::::::l y:::::::y n::::n n::::n
V:::::V a:::::aaaa::::::a u:::::::::::::::ul::::::l tt::::::::::::::tl::::::l y:::::y n::::n n::::n
V:::V a::::::::::aa:::a uu::::::::uu:::ul::::::l tt:::::::::::ttl::::::l y:::::y n::::n n::::n
VVV aaaaaaaaaa aaaa uuuuuuuu uuuullllllll ttttttttttt llllllll y:::::y nnnnnn nnnnnn
A Fernet Cryptographic Vault. y:::::y by Sidharth P.L
- Fast Encryption and Decryption
- Encrypt any files types
- Nominee Logins (Add upto 2 Nominees to your vault)
- Natively supported for both Windows and Linux. Moderation required for MacOS.
- Works offline. (Datas will not be shared to the servers.)
- High Privacy.
Install needed libraries to run the Program.
- First Create a virtual environment while running on Windows. Can be run as it is on Linux.
pip install virtualenv
python<version> -m venv <virtual-environment-name>
mkdir projectA
cd projectA
python3.8 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
env/Scripts/activate.bat //In CMD
env/Scripts/Activate.ps1 //In Powershel
pip install cryptography
pip install keyboard
pip install pyfiglet
pip install
pip install platform
//You need to manually configure the Directory for storing the program's data.
Open the '' file on a Text Editor and change the '/path/to/Directory/'
to your desired directory for your OS. *Make sure to create
the 'SFCV_Decrypting_Passcode' folder on your Home folder according to that,
configure your path on the code.
- Now Just run the '' from your console and run the setup on running for the first time. After setup you can start using the credentials which you configured during the setup.
For support, email [email protected] or join our Discord Server.