If you are working with a lot of data, it may not be best practice to work with collections (who are cached by laravel).
Instead of using (which returns a collection):
// for example in a cronjob that caches the users table
$users = cache()->rememberForever('users', function () {
return DB::table('users')->pluck('email', 'id');
// when you need to check if this user exists somewhere later in your application
$users->where('email', '[email protected]')->exists();
We could do (which caches all the key values from the model directly in the cache):
// for example in a cronjob that caches the users table
// when you need to check if this user exists somewhere later in your application
User::cacheColumnKey('email')->isCached('[email protected]');
// or if you need the value
User::cacheColumnKey('email')->getKeyValue('[email protected]'); // returns the id in this case
Solution to easily cache tables records, the package uses the laravel Cache facade.
- Cache 2 table columns as key value pairs Trait Key Value
You can install the package via composer:
composer require silassiai/laravel-table-cache
You can add the TableCacheKeyValueTrait
to you model to easily cache key value pairs (two columns) for your whole table.
This can be handy when you want to cache the whole table after you seeded the model.
namespace App\Models;
use Silassiai\LaravelTableCache\Traits\TableCacheKeyValueTrait;
class BlackList
use TableCacheKeyValueTrait;
next add to your seeder:
public function run()
// Your seed code here...
You can also use a default value:
public function run()
// Your seed code here...
To check if the value has been cached
To get the cached value
To check if the table column is already cached: