Linear mixed-effects models in Julia
The lmm
function is similar to the lmer
function in the
lme4 package for
R. The first two arguments for in the R
version are formula
and data
. The principle method for the
version takes these arguments.
The simplest example of a mixed-effects model that we use in the
lme4 package for R is a model fit to
the Dyestuff
> str(Dyestuff)
'data.frame': 30 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Batch: Factor w/ 6 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ Yield: num 1545 1440 1440 1520 1580 ...
> (fm1 <- lmer(Yield ~ 1|Batch, Dyestuff, REML=FALSE))
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['lmerMod']
Formula: Yield ~ 1 | Batch
Data: Dyestuff
AIC BIC logLik deviance
333.3271 337.5307 -163.6635 327.3271
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
Batch (Intercept) 1388 37.26
Residual 2451 49.51
Number of obs: 30, groups: Batch, 6
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 1527.50 17.69 86.33
These Dyestuff
data are available in the RDatasets
package for julia
julia> using MixedModels, RDatasets
julia> ds = dataset("lme4","Dyestuff");
julia> head(ds)
6x2 DataFrame
| Row # | Batch | Yield |
| 1 | A | 1545 |
| 2 | A | 1440 |
| 3 | A | 1440 |
| 4 | A | 1520 |
| 5 | A | 1580 |
| 6 | B | 1540 |
defaults to maximum likelihood estimation whereas lmer
in R
defaults to REML estimation.
julia> m = fit(lmm(Yield ~ 1 + (1|Batch), ds))
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood
Formula: Yield ~ 1 + (1 | Batch)
logLik: -163.663530, deviance: 327.327060
Variance components:
Variance Std.Dev.
Batch 1388.331690 37.260323
Residual 2451.250503 49.510105
Number of obs: 30; levels of grouping factors: 6
Fixed-effects parameters:
Estimate Std.Error z value
(Intercept) 1527.5 17.6945 86.326
In general the model should be fit through an explicit call to the fit
function, which may take a second argument indicating a verbose fit.
julia> gc(); @time fit(lmm(Yield ~ 1 + (1|Batch),ds),true);
f_1: 327.76702, [1.0]
f_2: 328.63496, [0.428326]
f_3: 327.33773, [0.787132]
f_4: 328.27031, [0.472809]
f_5: 327.33282, [0.727955]
f_6: 327.32706, [0.752783]
f_7: 327.32706, [0.752599]
f_8: 327.32706, [0.752355]
f_9: 327.32706, [0.752575]
f_10: 327.32706, [0.75258]
elapsed time: 0.165568641 seconds (2007424 bytes allocated)
The numeric representation of the model has type
julia> typeof(m)
LinearMixedModel{PLSOne} (constructor with 2 methods)
A LinearMixedModel
is parameterized by the type of the solver
for the penalized least-squares (PLS) problem. The simplicity of the
PLS problem when there is a single grouping factor is exploited in the
class which provides for evaluation of the objective function
and of its gradient.
Those familiar with the lme4
package for R
will see the usual
julia> fixef(m) # estimates of the fixed-effects parameters
1-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> show(coef(m)) # another name for fixef
julia> ranef(m)
1-element Array{Any,1}:
1x6 Array{Float64,2}:
-16.6282 0.369516 26.9747 -21.8014 53.5798 -42.4943
julia> ranef(m,true) # on the u scale
1-element Array{Any,1}:
1x6 Array{Float64,2}:
-22.0949 0.490999 35.8429 -28.9689 71.1948 -56.4649
julia> deviance(m)
Fitting a model to the Dyestuff
data is trivial. The InstEval
data in the lme4
package is more of a challenge in that there are
nearly 75,000 evaluations by 2972 students on a total of 1128
julia> inst = dataset("lme4","InstEval");
julia> head(inst)
6x7 DataFrame
| Row # | S | D | Studage | Lectage | Service | Dept | Y |
| 1 | 1 | 1002 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 5 |
| 2 | 1 | 1050 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 2 |
| 3 | 1 | 1582 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 5 |
| 4 | 1 | 2050 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 3 |
| 5 | 2 | 115 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 2 |
| 6 | 2 | 756 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 4 |
julia> fm2 = fit(lmm(Y ~ 1 + Dept*Service + (1|S) + (1|D), inst))
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood
Formula: Y ~ Dept * Service + (1 | S) + (1 | D)
logLik: -118792.776709, deviance: 237585.553417
Variance components:
Variance Std.Dev.
S 0.105422 0.324688
D 0.258429 0.508359
Residual 1.384725 1.176744
Number of obs: 73421; levels of grouping factors: 2972, 1128
Fixed-effects parameters:
Estimate Std.Error z value
(Intercept) 3.22961 0.0640541 50.42
Dept5 0.129537 0.101295 1.2788
Dept10 -0.176752 0.0881368 -2.00543
Dept12 0.0517089 0.0817538 0.632495
Dept6 0.0347327 0.0856225 0.405649
Dept7 0.145941 0.0998001 1.46233
Dept4 0.151689 0.0816911 1.85686
Dept8 0.104206 0.118752 0.877503
Dept9 0.0440392 0.0963003 0.457312
Dept14 0.0517545 0.0986047 0.524868
Dept1 0.0466714 0.101944 0.457815
Dept3 0.0563455 0.0977943 0.576164
Dept11 0.0596525 0.100235 0.595129
Dept2 0.00556088 0.110869 0.0501574
Service1 0.252024 0.0686508 3.6711
Dept5&Service1 -0.180759 0.123179 -1.46744
Dept10&Service1 0.0186497 0.110017 0.169517
Dept12&Service1 -0.282267 0.0792939 -3.55975
Dept6&Service1 -0.494464 0.079028 -6.25682
Dept7&Service1 -0.392054 0.110313 -3.55402
Dept4&Service1 -0.278546 0.0823729 -3.38152
Dept8&Service1 -0.189526 0.11145 -1.70055
Dept9&Service1 -0.499867 0.0885425 -5.6455
Dept14&Service1 -0.497161 0.0917165 -5.42063
Dept1&Service1 -0.240418 0.0982074 -2.44807
Dept3&Service1 -0.223013 0.089055 -2.50421
Dept11&Service1 -0.516996 0.0809079 -6.38994
Dept2&Service1 -0.384769 0.0918433 -4.18941
julia> gc();@time fit(lmm(Y ~ 1 + Dept*Service + (1|S) + (1|D), inst));
elapsed time: 5.193356844 seconds (327515804 bytes allocated, 4.95% gc time)
Models with vector-valued random effects can be fit
julia> slp = dataset("lme4","sleepstudy")
180x3 DataFrame
| Row # | Reaction | Days | Subject |
| 1 | 249.56 | 0 | 308 |
| 2 | 258.705 | 1 | 308 |
| 3 | 250.801 | 2 | 308 |
| 4 | 321.44 | 3 | 308 |
| 5 | 356.852 | 4 | 308 |
| 6 | 414.69 | 5 | 308 |
| 7 | 382.204 | 6 | 308 |
| 8 | 290.149 | 7 | 308 |
| 9 | 430.585 | 8 | 308 |
| 171 | 269.412 | 0 | 372 |
| 172 | 273.474 | 1 | 372 |
| 173 | 297.597 | 2 | 372 |
| 174 | 310.632 | 3 | 372 |
| 175 | 287.173 | 4 | 372 |
| 176 | 329.608 | 5 | 372 |
| 177 | 334.482 | 6 | 372 |
| 178 | 343.22 | 7 | 372 |
| 179 | 369.142 | 8 | 372 |
| 180 | 364.124 | 9 | 372 |
julia> fm3 = fit(lmm(Reaction ~ 1 + Days + (1+Days|Subject), slp))
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood
Formula: Reaction ~ 1 + Days + ((1 + Days) | Subject)
logLik: -875.969672, deviance: 1751.939344
Variance components:
Variance Std.Dev. Corr.
Subject 565.516376 23.780588
32.682265 5.716840 0.08
Residual 654.940901 25.591813
Number of obs: 180; levels of grouping factors: 18
Fixed-effects parameters:
Estimate Std.Error z value
(Intercept) 251.405 6.63228 37.9063
Days 10.4673 1.50224 6.96779
For models with a single random-effects term a gradient-based optimization is used, allowing faster and more reliable convergence to the parameter estimates.
julia> gc(); @time fit(lmm(Reaction ~ 1 + Days + (1+Days|Subject),slp),true);
f_1: 1784.6423, [1.0,0.0,1.0]
f_2: 1792.09158, [1.04647,-0.384052,0.159046]
f_3: 1759.76629, [1.00506,-0.0847897,0.418298]
f_4: 1787.91236, [1.26209,0.662287,0.0]
f_5: 1770.2265, [1.04773,0.323752,0.0]
f_6: 1755.6188, [1.00967,0.0107469,0.150327]
f_7: 1762.85008, [0.991808,0.14307,0.446863]
f_8: 1753.29754, [1.0048,0.0534958,0.272807]
f_9: 1752.5881, [1.00312,0.0418443,0.252944]
f_10: 1767.54407, [0.99451,0.00122224,0.0940196]
f_11: 1752.21061, [1.00224,0.0373251,0.232541]
f_12: 1758.83812, [0.988744,0.0206109,0.123804]
f_13: 1752.13481, [1.00085,0.0355465,0.220038]
f_14: 1752.02982, [0.980566,0.015964,0.234045]
f_15: 1759.88963, [0.971299,0.0118275,0.120811]
f_16: 1751.98896, [0.979624,0.0155451,0.221269]
f_17: 1751.98436, [0.97888,0.015535,0.224081]
f_18: 1751.96796, [0.968696,0.0144745,0.223608]
f_19: 1752.08826, [0.867754,0.0226905,0.23397]
f_20: 1751.9463, [0.943112,0.0163709,0.226009]
f_21: 1754.13022, [0.834535,0.0100178,0.166328]
f_22: 1751.94908, [0.930934,0.0157232,0.218808]
f_23: 1751.94123, [0.938201,0.0161115,0.223087]
f_24: 1751.96529, [0.894427,0.0196256,0.223832]
f_25: 1751.93978, [0.930555,0.0167127,0.223213]
f_26: 1751.93974, [0.930506,0.019329,0.222173]
f_27: 1751.94419, [0.913941,0.018183,0.222681]
f_28: 1751.93955, [0.927971,0.0191544,0.22225]
f_29: 1751.93979, [0.933502,0.0174017,0.2225]
f_30: 1751.93942, [0.92986,0.0185533,0.222336]
f_31: 1751.9544, [0.903287,0.0173483,0.222935]
f_32: 1751.93944, [0.927141,0.0184317,0.222396]
f_33: 1751.93939, [0.928786,0.0185053,0.222359]
f_34: 1751.93935, [0.929171,0.0180663,0.222656]
f_35: 1751.93935, [0.929702,0.0182395,0.222667]
f_36: 1751.93934, [0.929337,0.0181204,0.222659]
f_37: 1751.93935, [0.928905,0.0183732,0.222647]
f_38: 1751.93934, [0.929269,0.0181603,0.222657]
f_39: 1751.93935, [0.929106,0.0181461,0.222618]
f_40: 1751.93934, [0.929236,0.0181575,0.22265]
f_41: 1751.93934, [0.929197,0.0181927,0.222625]
f_42: 1751.93934, [0.929229,0.018164,0.222645]
f_43: 1751.93934, [0.929146,0.0181729,0.22267]
f_44: 1751.93934, [0.929221,0.0181649,0.222647]
f_45: 1751.93934, [0.929226,0.0181643,0.222646]
elapsed time: 0.022856979 seconds (1140940 bytes allocated)