cDNA_Cupcake is a dependency of SQANTI-SIM. However, in cDNA_Cupcakes current state it cannot be used in SQANTI-SIM.
In this fork I try to make cDNA_Cupcake compatible with the way SQANTI-SIM uses it. The changes I made already allow installation of SQANTI-SIM.
- Print-statements adapted to python3 syntax
- Deprecated dependency sklearn replaced with scikit-learn in the file
- Moved sequence folder into the cupcake folder and added cupcake.sequence as a package in the file
For eval: When given a transcriptome as .fasta-file SQANTI-SIM fails to generate the corresponding .gtf-files. For GMAP, deSALT and uLTRA it is the alignment step itself that fails but with Minimap2 the mapping is succesfull. cDNA_Cupcake then fails to generate the .gtf-file.
In SQANTI3 v5.2.1 cDNA_Cupcake was dropped as a dependency. It might be easier to update SQANTI-SIM to use an up-to-date SQANTI3 version rather than fixing cDNA_Cupcake.