Application that uses IBM Watson services to create, train and test a NLC Classifier of news
- Cloudant NoSQL DB
- Object Storage
- Watson Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
- Watson Natural Language Classifier (NLC)
- Sources: generic news RSS feeds provided by the user
- Extraction of keywords and categories for each news using Watson NLU
- Dataset persisted on Object Storage
- Creation of a NLC using the generated dataset
- Classifier training
- Testing the classifier using Leave-p-out cross-validation
Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from here
Install Liberty server in Eclipse from here
Create a new Liberty server in your workspace
Provision the following services on Bluemix
Add the credentials for your Bluemix services in com.newsifier.utils.Credentials
Export the application .war file
Add your services to the manifest.yml
Run the following command from the manifest directory
cf push -p <exported_application.war> <app_name>
Or see here other options for pushing Liberty applications on Bluemix