This repository is a sample web application using DDD (Domain-Driven Design) architecture and Gin framework.
A Go (Golang) Backend Clean Architecture project with Gin, MongoDB, JWT Authentication Middleware, Test, and Docker.
A starter project with Golang, Gin and DynamoDB
Go Todo Backend Example Using Modular Project Layout for Product Microservice using Gin framework
Standard Go Project Layout
The best practice of Gin RESTful Web with GORM, PostgreSQL, JWT, gRPC, Travis-ci, and more... Gin RESTful Web开发最佳实践
fastapi_best_architecture 前端实验性实现
Simple example for WebRTC on iOS written in swift5
A simple native WebRTC demo iOS app using swift
SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with SwiftData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
A code example and translation project of SwiftUI. / 一个 SwiftUI 的示例、翻译的教程项目。
iOS 开发最佳实践:OC 与 Swift 最佳实践
💍A simple and elegant Android native UI framework, free your hands! (一个简洁而优雅的Android原生UI框架,解放你的双手!)
A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
Android OpenGL ES 3.0 从入门到精通系统性学习教程 ( OpenGL ES 3.X Systematic Learning Tutorials)
🌇该项目结合 MVP 与 Clean 架构思想,探索在 Android 项目上的最佳实践。
基于 FastAPI 框架的前后端分离中后台解决方案,遵循伪三层架构设计, 支持 Python 3.10 及以上版本
📃 开箱即用的 Markdown 简历,支持 VSCode / Obsidian / Typora
Waydroid uses a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu.
Cuttlefish host support debian package.