- Clone the git repository
git clone https://github.com/rcacfs/bootcamp.git
- Get into the project root directory
cd bootcamp
- On the provider.tf file, define the version of terraform you would like to use. Note: Get the terraform version from hashicorp website. (https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform-provider-aws/)
- Go to general_variables.tf file, edit the region to your liking Example regions are as shown below:
Navigate to vpc_variables.tf, you will see there is a variable for cidr block i.e 10.0,
but this is just a part of a cidr block, this defines how all you cidr blocks will look like.
In the case above, they will all have the 10.0 at the beginning.
you can keep the default cidr block range or change it. -
Navigate to aws_services_variables.tf.
This file contains some services that we will use in the infrastructure.
It contains the load balancer variables, and database variables -
On networkingtags.tf edit the values
Starting from the networking services, navigate to vpc.tf
edit the file with your own values and cidr range. -
On subnets.tf file, edit the available subnets and you can add other subnets depending with the kind of architecture you have.
On network.tf you will see the internet and nat gateways configurations.
The elastic ip will be used by the nat gateway.
Edit the configurations with your own values.
- navigate to nacls.tf file. On this file you can edit the ingress and egress rules of each subnet.
Allow traffic in and out of each subnet.
- navigate to route_tables.tf file, for each subnet make associations.
NOTE the difference between public and private subnets.
- navigate to aws_roles.tf, define roles and attach policies in the file.
- navigate to web_app.tf. In this file you will find two servers, \
web server
app server
- find the bastion server on bastion.tf file
you can add more servers using your own values.
- navigate to postgresql.tf, edit the database values with your own
- navigate to web_app_alb.tf, create an application load balancer with listeners and target groups
- navigate to securitygroups.tf, create a security group for each server and the database.
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform destroy