Japanese restaurant app is a design implementation of Japanese restaurant app designed by gandkurniawan
Preview | Home screen | Food Detail Screen | Cart Screen |
Home screen | Food Detail Screen | Cart Screen | |
| │──app_asset.dart
| │──app_color.dart
| │──app_data.dart
| │──app_icon.dart
| │──app_style.dart
| │──app_theme.dart
| └──app_extension.dart
│ │──bottom_navigation_item.dart
| │──food.dart
| └──food_category.dart
| │───📂screen
| | |──cart_screen.dart
| | |──favorite_screen.dart
| | |──food_detail_screen.dart
| | |──food_list_screen.dart
| | |──home_screen.dart
| | └──profile_screen.dart
| │───📂widget
│ | |──counter_button.dart
│ | |──custom_page_route.dart
│ | |──empty_widget.dart
│ | |──fade_animation.dart
│ | |──food_list_view.dart
│ | |──page_transition.dart
| | └──scale_animation.dart
I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 48-72 hours to respond to any issue or request.
Package Name |
GetX |
flutter_rating_bar |
font_awesome_flutter |
animations |
simple_animations |
badges |