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SwahiLib - Kamusi ya Kiswahili: Kiswahili kitukuzwe (Swahili Dictionary)

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SwahiLib - Kamusi ya Kiswahili

The Kamusi ya Kiswahili app has been rebranded to SwahiLib. If you are looking for the old app you can find it in the old-app branch

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Swahilib - Kamusi ya Kiswahili for Android, iOS

Getting Started

Follow this guide to set up and run the SwahiLib App:

Getting Started

Follow this guide to set up and run SwahiLib:

Setting Up SwahiLib:

  1. Install Flutter and Dependencies: Ensure Flutter is installed on your system. Download the Flutter SDK from the official website and set up your preferred IDE (e.g., Android Studio or Visual Studio Code) with the Flutter plugin.

  2. Clone the Repository: Clone SwahiLib repository from GitHub using Git:

    git clone [email protected]:SiroDaves/SwahiLibApp.git
  3. Install Packages: Navigate to the project directory and run:

    flutter pub get

Running SwahiLib:

  1. Device Setup: Connect an emulator or physical device to your development environment. Check connected devices:

    flutter devices
  2. Update Dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  3. Update Code Generated Files:

    dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
  4. Update Localization Strings:

    flutter gen-l10n
  5. Running SwahiLib:

    flutter run

Building SwahiLib

  1. Android:

    • Production (For Play Store):

      flutter build appbundle --flavor production -t lib/main.dart --dart-define-from-file keys-prod.json --no-tree-shake-icons
  2. iOS:

    • Production (For Play Store):

      flutter build ipa -t lib/main.dart --no-tree-shake-icons

    To upload to the App Store either:

    • Drag and drop the "build/ios/ipa/*.ipa" bundle into the Apple Transporter macOS app
    • Run "xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios -f build/ios/ipa/*.ipa --apiKey your_api_key --apiIssuer your_issuer_id". See "man altool" for details about how to authenticate with the App Store Connect API key.

Congratulations! You've successfully set up and run or built SwahiLib. Explore the codebase, make modifications, and contribute to creating a seamless experience for the users. Happy coding!