Code to run on Raspberry PI for Quadcopter control
This code has been compiled on a Raspberry PI with Raspbian which has a kernel with PREEMPT_RT enabled, the image for this can be downloaded here (there is also image for the Raspberry PI 2):
For this to work, you will also need PIGPIO, which can be downloaded here:
Also these two libraries are neccesary: liblapack-dev libblas-dev
Using for example QGroundControl you can use the console to send ASCII commands.
For now it accepts the following commands:
START - starts the control loops and starts the motors
STOP - stops the control loops
SETPOINT throttle 0 yaw 0 pitch 0 roll 0 - Sets the setpoint values for the quadcopter
SETPID yaw kp 1 kd 1 ki 1 - Sets the PID constants for the yaw controller
SETPID stab kp 1 kd 1 ki 1 - Sets the PID constants for pitch and roll for the stability controller
SETPID rate kp 1 kd 1 ki 1 - Sets the PID constants for pitch and roll for the rate controller
You can also use each parameter seperately, for example:
SETPOINT pitch 0.3
SETPID stab kd 1.3