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rn-swiper-list ⚡️

⚡ Lightning fast and customizable tinder-like swiper for React Native

Installation ⚙️

yarn add rn-swiper-list

rn-swiper-list needs react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler package 💎

yarn add react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler

👇 You also need to complete installations of these packages for more information use the links below 👇


  • Rotation animation
  • Swipe event callbacks
  • Scale animation
  • Overlay labels
  • Swipe back to previous card with a custom animation
  • More swipe events callbacks
  • Integrating and using a single card with flatlist

Props ✏️

Card Props

Props type description required default
data array Array of data objects used to render the cards. Yes
renderCard func(cardData,cardIndex) Function that renders a card based on the provided data and index. Yes
cardStyle object CSS style properties applied to each card. These can be applied inline.
children React.ReactNode Child components to be displayed inside the component. Used typically for composition.
loop bool If true, the swiper will loop back to the first card after the last card is swiped. No false

Event callbacks

Props type description default
onSwipeLeft func Function called when a card is swiped left. It receives the index of the card as a parameter. (cardIndex) => {}
onSwipeRight func Function called when a card is swiped right. It receives the index of the card as a parameter. (cardIndex) => {}
onSwipeTop func Function called when a card is swiped top. It receives the index of the card as a parameter. (cardIndex) => {}
onSwipedAll func Function called when all cards have been swiped. () => {}
onSwipeStart func Function called when a swipe event starts. () => {}
onSwipeEnd func Function called when a swipe event ends. () => {}
onSwipeActive func Function called when a swipe event is active. () => {}
onIndexChange func Function called when the index of the card changes. It receives the index of the card as a parameter. (cardIndex) => {}

Swipe Animation Props

props type description default
disableLeftSwipe bool If true, disables the ability to swipe left. false
disableRightSwipe bool If true, disables the ability to swipe right. false
disableTopSwipe bool If true, disables the ability to swipe upwards. false

Rotation Animation Props

props type description default
translateXRange array Translates the card horizontally. [-windowWidth / 3, 0, windowWidth / 3]
translateYRange array Translates the card vertically. [-windowHeight / 3, 0, windowHeight / 3]
rotateInputRange array Array specifying the range of x values for rotation mapping. [-windowWidth / 3, 0, windowWidth / 3]
outputRotationRange array Array of rotation values corresponding to rotateInputRange. [-Math.PI / 20, 0, Math.PI / 20]

Overlay Labels Animation Props

props type description default
inputOverlayLabelRightOpacityRange array Array defining the input range for animating the opacity of the right overlay label. [0, windowWidth / 3]
outputOverlayLabelRightOpacityRange array Array defining the output opacity values for the right overlay label, corresponding to the input range. [0, 1]
inputOverlayLabelLeftOpacityRange array Array defining the input range for animating the opacity of the left overlay label. [0, -(windowWidth / 3)]
outputOverlayLabelLeftOpacityRange array Array defining the output opacity values for the left overlay label, corresponding to the input range. [0, 1]
inputOverlayLabelTopOpacityRange array Array defining the input range for animating the opacity of the top overlay label. [0, -(windowHeight / 3)]
outputOverlayLabelTopOpacityRange array Array defining the output opacity values for the top overlay label, corresponding to the input range. [0, 1]
OverlayLabelRight () => JSX.Element Component rendered as an overlay label for right swipes.
OverlayLabelLeft () => JSX.Element Component rendered as an overlay label for left swipes.
OverlayLabelTop () => JSX.Element Component rendered as an overlay label for top swipes.

Swipe methods

props type description
swipeBack callback Resets the card position after a swipe event
swipeRight callback Animates the card to fling to the right and calls onSwipeRight
swipeLeft callback Animates the card to fling to the left and calls onSwipeLeft
swipeTop callback Animates the card to fling to the top and calls onSwipeTop

Swipe Animation Spring Configs (Animation Speed)

props type description
swipeBackXSpringConfig SpringConfig Spring configuration for swipe back animation on the X-axis.
swipeBackYSpringConfig SpringConfig Spring configuration for swipe back animation on the Y-axis.
swipeRightSpringConfig SpringConfig Spring configuration for swipe right animation on the X-axis.
swipeLeftSpringConfig SpringConfig Spring configuration for swipe left animation on the X-axis.
swipeTopSpringConfig SpringConfig Spring configuration for swipe top animation on the Y-axis.
swipeBottomSpringConfig SpringConfig Spring configuration for swipe bottom animation on the Y-axis.

What is Spring Config?

Spring configuration is used to control the animation behavior of the swipe actions. The spring configuration consists of several parameters that define the physical properties of the spring animation. Here are the details of each parameter:

Parameter Type Description
damping number Controls the amount of damping in the spring. Higher values result in more damping, causing the animation to slow down more quickly.
stiffness number Controls the stiffness of the spring. Higher values result in a stiffer spring, causing the animation to be more rigid and faster.
mass number Controls the mass of the object being animated. Higher values result in a heavier object, causing the animation to be slower.
overshootClamping bool If true, the spring animation will not overshoot its target value. This means the animation will stop exactly at the target value without bouncing.
restDisplacementThreshold number The threshold for the displacement of the spring below which the spring is considered to be at rest. Lower values result in a more precise stopping point.
restSpeedThreshold number The threshold for the speed of the spring below which the spring is considered to be at rest. Lower values result in a more precise stopping point.

These parameters can be adjusted to achieve the desired animation behavior for the swipe actions. The default values provided in the SWIPE_SPRING_CONFIG are:

Usage 🧑‍💻

/* eslint-disable react-native/no-inline-styles */
import React, { useCallback, useRef } from 'react';
import {
  type ImageSourcePropType,
} from 'react-native';
import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
import { AntDesign } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { Swiper, type SwiperCardRefType } from 'rn-swiper-list';

import { ActionButton } from '../components';

const IMAGES: ImageSourcePropType[] = [

const App = () => {
  const ref = useRef<SwiperCardRefType>();

  const renderCard = useCallback(
    (image: ImageSourcePropType) => {
      return (
        <View style={styles.renderCardContainer}>
  const OverlayLabelRight = useCallback(() => {
    return (
            backgroundColor: 'green',
  }, []);
  const OverlayLabelLeft = useCallback(() => {
    return (
            backgroundColor: 'red',
  }, []);
  const OverlayLabelTop = useCallback(() => {
    return (
            backgroundColor: 'blue',
  }, []);

  return (
    <GestureHandlerRootView style={styles.container}>
      <View style={styles.subContainer}>
          onIndexChange={(index) => {
            console.log('Current Active index', index);
          onSwipeRight={(cardIndex) => {
            console.log('cardIndex', cardIndex);
          onSwipedAll={() => {
          onSwipeLeft={(cardIndex) => {
            console.log('onSwipeLeft', cardIndex);
          onSwipeTop={(cardIndex) => {
            console.log('onSwipeTop', cardIndex);
          onSwipeActive={() => {
          onSwipeStart={() => {
          onSwipeEnd={() => {

      <View style={styles.buttonsContainer}>
          onTap={() => {
          <AntDesign name="close" size={32} color="white" />
          style={[styles.button, { height: 60, marginHorizontal: 10 }]}
          onTap={() => {
          <AntDesign name="reload1" size={24} color="white" />
          onTap={() => {
          <AntDesign name="arrowup" size={32} color="white" />
          onTap={() => {
          <AntDesign name="heart" size={32} color="white" />

export default App;

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',
  buttonsContainer: {
    flexDirection: 'row',
    bottom: 34,
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',
  button: {
    height: 80,
    borderRadius: 40,
    marginHorizontal: 20,
    aspectRatio: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#3A3D45',
    elevation: 4,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    shadowColor: 'black',
    shadowOpacity: 0.1,
    shadowOffset: {
      width: 0,
      height: 4,
  buttonText: {
    fontSize: 20,
    fontWeight: 'bold',
  cardStyle: {
    width: '95%',
    height: '75%',
    borderRadius: 15,
    marginVertical: 20,
  renderCardContainer: {
    flex: 1,
    borderRadius: 15,
    height: '75%',
    width: '100%',
  renderCardImage: {
    height: '100%',
    width: '100%',
    borderRadius: 15,
  subContainer: {
    flex: 1,
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',
  overlayLabelContainer: {
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    borderRadius: 15,

For more examples check out the example folder 📂

Types 🏷️

type SwiperCardRefType =
  | {
      swipeRight: () => void;
      swipeLeft: () => void;
      swipeBack: () => void;
      swipeTop: () => void;
  | undefined;

type SwiperOptions<T> = {
   * Card data and render function
  data: T[];
  renderCard: (item: T, index: number) => JSX.Element;
  cardStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
   * Children components
  onSwipeLeft?: (cardIndex: number) => void;
  onSwipeRight?: (cardIndex: number) => void;
  onSwipeTop?: (cardIndex: number) => void;
  onSwipedAll?: () => void;
  onSwipeStart?: () => void;
  onSwipeEnd?: () => void;
  onSwipeActive?: () => void;
   * Swipe methods
  disableRightSwipe?: boolean;
  disableLeftSwipe?: boolean;
  disableTopSwipe?: boolean;
   * Rotation Animation Props
  translateXRange?: number[];
  translateYRange?: number[];
  rotateInputRange?: number[];
  rotateOutputRange?: number[];
   * Overlay Labels Animation Props
  inputOverlayLabelRightOpacityRange?: number[];
  outputOverlayLabelRightOpacityRange?: number[];
  inputOverlayLabelLeftOpacityRange?: number[];
  outputOverlayLabelLeftOpacityRange?: number[];
  inputOverlayLabelTopOpacityRange?: number[];
  outputOverlayLabelTopOpacityRange?: number[];
  OverlayLabelRight?: () => JSX.Element;
  OverlayLabelLeft?: () => JSX.Element;
  OverlayLabelTop?: () => JSX.Element;
   * Swipe Animation Spring Configs (Animation Speed)
  swipeBackXSpringConfig?: SpringConfig;
  swipeBackYSpringConfig?: SpringConfig;
  swipeRightSpringConfig?: SpringConfig;
  swipeLeftSpringConfig?: SpringConfig;
  swipeTopSpringConfig?: SpringConfig;
  swipeBottomSpringConfig?: SpringConfig;

Contributing 🔖

See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

License 📰