This application will let producers create and manage farm produced goods and wholesale them directly to customers who purchase from the farmers via an online marketplace.
Github, IntelliJ, Java, VS Code, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, DBeaver, Postgres SQL, Javalin, Mockito, REST, Postman, JUnit, Selenium, AWS RDS, AWS EC2, Cucumber+, Gherkin
Login/Logout Create Items for sale Delete items for sale Change items descriptions Change Items Prices See all items for sale
View Items in marketplace with their descriptions, price, and origin Buy items See a history of what has been purchased from a particular or all producers.
Clone the Github Repo ( Install required packages, Set environment variables for DB access
Run to start the web development server (Remember your environment variables), Interact with app through HTML pages
log-in through the landing to gain access to the customer/producer homepage
create items ($0>$9999), enter an item description (<100 characters), click create item, acknowledge the successful submission alert, view the total amount of items for sale, click delete to delete an item
see all items in marketplace with descriptions and orgit add .igin can buy items can see purchase history when done click logout, you will be returned to the landing page