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(UTC +08:00)
Collect common classes in the development process
Alipay global Third Party SDK with Authorization and Auto debit. Alipay 国际版 A+ 接口第三方 PHP SDK,实现了现金支付、用户授权、自动代扣和 RSA2 加密异步通知应答,示例完整,使用简单
`gqylpy-dict` is based on the built-in `dict` and serves as an enhancement to it. It can do everything the built-in `dict` can do, and even more.
🍉 Web UI 一键配置 ChatGPT Mirai QQ Bot 机器人,支持多实例管理,配置编辑,文件提交,健康检查,终端执行,支持密码访问。 🍉 Web UI of ChatGPT Mirai QQ Bot robot, support for multi-instance management, configuration editing, file submission, hea…
A Dart library for loading, manipulating, and saving GPS data in XML format, including GPX and KML.
本教程用于深度学习的基础阶段学习,采用的API框架为tensorflow 框架
AsmActual利用ASM技术将合规插件会侵入到编译流程中, 插件会把App中所有系统敏感API或属性替换为SDK的收口方法 , 从而解决直接使用系统方法时面临的隐私合规问题
A blog system depend on flask.使用flask框架开发的个人博客系统.
Adapting Segment Anything Model for Medical Image Segmentation
A tiny and powerful enterprise-class solution for building lowcode tables. 轻量、强大的企业级表格可视化搭建解决方案。
一个 Golang 实现的相对智能、无需规则维护的通用新闻网站数据提取工具库。含域名探测、网页编码语种识别、网页链接分类提取、网页新闻要素抽取以及新闻正文抽取等组件。
Go with Fun (Functions) is a small and useful Golang util function library. It Includes such as Empty、Blank、Strtotime、Similarity、HttpGet etc.
llms 大模型 笔记50篇 此仓库包含关于机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉、自然语言处理、大模型 爬虫等领域 项目实战
🚀 react模板 react项目模板 React18 React19 + webpack5 + TypeScript5 + mobx6 + react-router-dom6 react 模板 基于react企业级模板 项目模板 简单模板 快速模板
Long-Term Evolution Project of Reinforcement Learning
目前支持线程池 定时器(支持多任务) log日志 cmdline 命令行解析 等功能
A high-performance back-end service framework written in C.
qianqiebaoma / 7days-golang
Forked from geektutu/7days-golang7 days golang programs from scratch (web framework Gee, distributed cache GeeCache, object relational mapping ORM framework GeeORM, rpc framework GeeRPC etc) 7天用Go动手写/从零实现系列
SpringBoot+Mybatius图书管理系统 语言:Java 开发工具:IntelliJIDEA-2019.3 JDK版本:JDK8 项目管理工具:Maven-3.3.9 数据库:MySQL-5.5.27(32位) 前端技术:Html Css JQuery-1.11.1 Layui-1.0.7 Vue-2.6.12 后端技术:SpringBoot-2.1.14.RELEASE Myba…
FlowGod is a powerful process-level network flow sniffer tool.
⚡🚀 Based on the gin framework, we have developed a user-friendly, simple, and fast development framework for API programming using go1.18+
DataCap is integrated software for data transformation, integration, and visualization. Support a variety of data sources, file types, big data related database, relational database, NoSQL database…