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Julian Blank committed Sep 3, 2021
1 parent cdb3ae4 commit 0d2ae06
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348 changes: 348 additions & 0 deletions pymoo/algorithms/moo/
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@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import permutation

from pymoo.algorithms.base.genetic import GeneticAlgorithm
from import parse_doc_string
from pymoo.model.population import Population
from pymoo.model.selection import Selection
from pymoo.operators.crossover.dex import DEX
from import PM
from pymoo.operators.sampling.rnd import FloatRandomSampling
from pymoo.operators.selection.rnd import RandomSelection
from pymoo.util.display import MultiObjectiveDisplay
from pymoo.util.normalization import ObjectiveSpaceNormalization
from pymoo.util.optimum import filter_optimum
from pymoo.util.termination.max_eval import MaximumFunctionCallTermination
from pymoo.util.termination.max_gen import MaximumGenerationTermination

def norm(V):
return V / np.sqrt(np.sum(V ** 2, axis=1))[:, None]

class NeighborhoodSelection(Selection):

def __init__(self, n_neighbors=10) -> None:
self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors

def _do(self, pop, n_select, n_parents, ideal=None, **kwargs):
assert n_parents == 3, "This selection is based on three parents!"
assert ideal is not None, "The neighborhood selection needs the ideal point for normalization!"

F = pop.get("F")
F = F - ideal + 1e-64
F = norm(F)

cosv = F @ F.T - 3 * np.eye(len(F))
I = np.argsort(-cosv, axis=1)
neighbours = I[:, :self.n_neighbors]

P = RandomSelection().do(pop, n_select, n_parents)
P[:, 0] = np.arange(len(P))

for k in range(len(pop)):

if np.random.random() < 0.7:
P[k, 1:] = np.random.choice(neighbours[k], 2, replace=False)
P[k, 1:2] = np.random.choice(neighbours[k], 1, replace=False)

return P

def Indicator_based_CHT(F, indicator, W, N):
IrFitness = indicator.min(axis=1)
dom = np.where(IrFitness >= 0)[0]

if len(dom) <= N:
return np.argsort(-IrFitness)[:N]

F = F[dom]
indicator = np.copy(indicator[dom][:, dom])

survivors = np.full(len(F), True)

# normalize the weights and the objectives
nW, nF = norm(W), norm(F)

# assigned each solution based on the angle to a niche
A = np.argmax((nF @ nW.T), axis=1)

# create an assignment list for each niche
niches = [[] for _ in range(len(W))]
[niches[j].append(i) for i, j in enumerate(A)]

# the niche counts
cnt = [len(inds) for inds in niches]

neighbor = indicator.argmin(axis=1)
vals = indicator.min(axis=1)

while survivors.sum() > N:

# find the niche where a solution should be deleted
niche = np.argmax(cnt)

# all solutions in that niche
I = niches[niche]

# select the solution in this niche with the worst indicator value
j = I[vals[I].argmin()]

# set the values in the indicator matrix to infinity
indicator[j, :] = np.inf
indicator[:, j] = np.inf
vals[j] = np.inf

# now update the neighbors and matrix partially (only the one that have changed)
K = np.where(j == neighbor)[0]
if len(K) > 0:
neighbor[K] = indicator[K].argmin(axis=1)
vals[K] = indicator[K].min(axis=1)

# remove the solution from the niche
niches[niche] = [e for e in I if e != j]
cnt[niche] -= 1

# deselect the solution to survive
survivors[j] = False

return dom[survivors]

def Selection_Operator_of_PREA(F, indicator, N):
fitness = indicator.min(axis=1)
J = np.where(fitness >= 0)[0]

if len(J) <= N:
return np.argsort(-fitness)[:N]

survivors = np.full(len(J), True)

_F = F[J]

ir = np.copy(indicator[J][:, J])
ir_neighbor = ir.argmin(axis=1)
ir_vals = ir.min(axis=1)

while survivors.sum() > N:

# select the solution in this niche with the worst indicator value
j = ir_vals.argmin()

# set the values in the indicator matrix to infinity
ir[j] = np.inf
ir[:, j] = np.inf

# now update the neighbors and matrix partially (only the one that have changed)
K = np.where(j == ir_neighbor)[0]
if len(K) > 0:
ir_neighbor[K] = ir[K].argmin(axis=1)
ir_vals[K] = ir[K].min(axis=1)

# the value of the solution itself becomes infinity
ir_vals[j] = np.inf

# deselect the solution to survive
survivors[j] = False

nadir = _F[survivors].max(axis=0)

J = np.where(np.all(F <= nadir, axis=1))[0]

if len(J) <= N:
return J

_F = F[J] / nadir

survivors = np.full(len(_F), True)

ir = np.copy(indicator[J][:, J])
ir_neighbor = ir.argmin(axis=1)
ir_vals = ir.min(axis=1)

dist = np.zeros((len(_F), len(_F)))
for i in range(len(_F)):
Fi = _F[i]
Fdelta = _F - Fi
dist[i, :] = np.sqrt(np.sum(Fdelta ** 2, axis=1) - np.sum(Fdelta, axis=1) ** 2 / _F.shape[1])
dist[i, i] = np.inf

dist_neighbor = np.argmin(dist, axis=1)
dist_vals = np.min(dist, axis=1)

while survivors.sum() > N:

a = np.argmin(dist_vals)
b = dist_neighbor[a]

if ir_vals[a] < ir_vals[b]:
j = a
j = b

# set the values in the distance matrix to infinity
dist[j, :] = np.inf
dist[:, j] = np.inf

# now update the neighbors and matrix partially (only the one that have changed)
K = np.where(j == dist_neighbor)[0]
if len(K) > 0:
dist_neighbor[K] = dist[K].argmin(axis=1)
dist_vals[K] = dist[K].min(axis=1)

# the value of the solution itself becomes infinity
dist_vals[j] = np.inf

# set the values in the indicator matrix to infinity
ir[j] = np.inf
ir[:, j] = np.inf

# now update the neighbors and matrix partially (only the one that have changed)
K = np.where(j == ir_neighbor)[0]
if len(K) > 0:
ir_neighbor[K] = ir[K].argmin(axis=1)
ir_vals[K] = ir[K].min(axis=1)

# the value of the solution itself becomes infinity
ir_vals[j] = np.inf

# deselect the solution to survive
survivors[j] = False

return J[survivors]

class ICMA(GeneticAlgorithm):

def __init__(self,
crossover=DEX(prob=0.9, CR=0.5, variant='bin'),

# set reference directions and pop_size
self.ref_dirs = ref_dirs
if self.ref_dirs is not None:
if pop_size is None:
pop_size = len(self.ref_dirs)


self.RA = None
self.norm = None
self.archive = None

def _setup(self, problem, **kwargs):

self.norm = ObjectiveSpaceNormalization()

# if maximum functions termination convert it to generations
if isinstance(self.termination, MaximumFunctionCallTermination):
n_gen = np.ceil((self.termination.n_max_evals - self.pop_size) / self.n_offsprings)
self.termination = MaximumGenerationTermination(n_gen)

# check whether the n_gen termination is used - otherwise this algorithm can be not run
if not isinstance(self.termination, MaximumGenerationTermination):
raise Exception("Please use the n_gen or n_eval as a termination criterion to run ICMA!")

def _initialize_advance(self, infills=None, **kwargs):
super()._initialize_advance(infills, **kwargs)
self.archive = infills
self.Ra = 1.0

def _infill(self, **kwargs):

pop, archive, Ra = self.pop, self.archive, self.Ra

N = self.pop_size
Nt = int(np.floor(Ra * N))

from_pop = pop[permutation(len(pop))[:Nt]]
from_archive = pop[permutation(len(archive))[:N - Nt]]
pool = Population.merge(from_pop, from_archive)

# first do the differential evolution mating
off =, pool, self.n_offsprings, algorithm=self,

return off

def _advance(self, infills=None, **kwargs):

pop = Population.merge(Population.merge(self.pop, infills), self.archive)

F = pop.get("F")

if self.problem.has_constraints():
G = pop.get("G")
C = np.maximum(0, G)
C = C / np.maximum(1, C.max(axis=0))
CV = C.sum(axis=1)
CV = np.zeros(len(pop))

F = F - self.norm.ideal(only_feas=False) + 1e-6

indicator = np.full((len(pop), len(pop)), np.inf)

for i in range(len(pop)):
Ci = CV[i]
Fi = F[i]

if Ci == 0:

Ir = np.log(Fi / F)
MaxIr = np.max(Ir, axis=1)
MinIr = np.min(Ir, axis=1)

CVA = MaxIr

J = MaxIr <= 0
CVA[J] = MinIr[J]

val = CVA

IC = (Ci + 1e-6) / (CV + 1e-6)
CVF = np.max(np.maximum(Fi, F) / np.minimum(Fi, F), axis=1)
val = np.log(np.maximum(CVF, IC))

indicator[:, i] = val
indicator[i, i] = np.inf

feas = np.where(CV <= 0)[0]

if len(feas) <= self.pop_size:
self.archive = pop[np.argsort(CV)[:self.pop_size]]
feas_F = pop[feas].get("F") - self.norm.ideal(only_feas=True) + 1e-6
I = Selection_Operator_of_PREA(feas_F, indicator[feas][:, feas], self.pop_size)
self.archive = pop[feas[I]]

I = Indicator_based_CHT(F, indicator, self.ref_dirs, self.pop_size)
self.pop = pop[I]

self.Ra = 1 - self.n_gen / self.termination.n_max_gen

def _set_optimum(self, **kwargs):
self.opt = filter_optimum(self.archive, least_infeasible=True)

File renamed without changes.
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33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions pymoo/experimental/

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