支持中文和拼音的 SQLite fts5 全文搜索扩展 | A SQLite3 fts5 tokenizer which supports Chinese and PinYin
wangEditor公式编辑器kityformula + myscript-math-web
Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies.
Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and…
A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
♏ 一款浏览器端的 Markdown 编辑器,支持所见即所得(富文本)、即时渲染(类似 Typora)和分屏预览模式。An In-browser Markdown editor, support WYSIWYG (Rich Text), Instant Rendering (Typora-like) and Split View modes.
Java 1-21 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java with advanced analysis functionalities.
Two weeks of homemade scripting language notes and source code. If you think it's good, give me a star.
C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Framework
APM, Application Performance Monitoring System
🥗 All-in-one professional pop-up dictionary and page translator which supports multiple search modes, page translations, new word notebook and PDF selection searching.
[Deprecated] 🎉 Deploy Skywalking in Docker container.
Apereo CAS - Identity & Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.
Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.