Setup your StarRocks development just in one docker container!
- Built-in thirdparty, you don't need to compile it by yourself
- Use LLVM-15 to compile and link.
- Built-in GDB, GDB Server module, support BE debug operation
- Built-in tmux, mysql-client[TODO]
Pull Docker image:
sudo docker pull d87904488/starrocks-docker-dev:latest
. -
Run container
sudo docker run -it -p 2222:2222 \
--privileged \
--cap-add SYS_PTRACE \
-v ~/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v /home/smith/starrocks:/root/starrocks \
--name smith-dev \
-d d87904488/starrocks-docker-dev:latest
Notice: You should mount .m2 and source code folder. Otherwise your code and jar will not be persisted.
--privileged --cap-add SYS_PTRACE
is necessary for GDB.
- Enjoy it, you can use ssh to connect container:
sudo ssh root@localhost -p 2222
. Default password isxxx
You can use VS Code Remote Development, JetBrains Gateway, Clion, IDEA or VIM.
You need generate to Thrift and Protobuf by yourself. The simplest way is that you run command sh
in container first, then copy gensrc from container to local directory.
Maybe you need to development with Hive, Hadoop, ElasticSearch and ..., you can use docker network
to setup network easily!