This will set up a MOTD that displays the hostname (including the Debian version), IP address, uptime, and disk usage whenever a user logs in to the system.
Copy the above script with
Make it executable with
chmod +x
Run it with
sudo ./
This will set up a MOTD that displays the hostname (including the Debian version), IP address, uptime, and disk usage whenever a user logs in to the system.
Usage Function: Displays how to use the script.
get_debian_version Function: Retrieves the Debian version from /etc/debian_version.
create_motd_script Function: Creates the MOTD script /etc/profile.d/ that displays hostname, Debian version, IP address, uptime, and disk usage.
Main Script:
Checks if the script is run as root.
Calls create_motd_script to generate the MOTD script.
Provides feedback upon completion.