To store presentations and source code of tech talks.
- Create a folder for each presentation with 2 subfolders: ppt and code.
- add the new presentation to the list in this readme file.
Date Expositor Topic
- "cordova y telegramBot" on --/--/-- by Ema
- "data scientis" on 26/08/2016 by Rebeca
- "IoT"" on 09/09/2016 bySanchez
- "Internet of Visuals" on 09/09/2016 by Jesus
- "rethink DB" on 23-09-2016 byjason
- "Marcas" on 23-09-2016 chico
- "IOS 10 Notifications" on 6-10-2016 by neil
- on 21/10/2016 by Jose J
- on 21/10/2016 by Ema
- on 04/11/2016 by Alfredo
- "Construct 2" on 04/11/2016 Andres
- "Maneras de ser creativo" on 18/11/2016 by Luis
- on 18/11/2016 by christop
- on 2/12/2016 by Paula
- on Unknown by Marco
- "React redux" on 13/01/2017 by Jose Quesada
- "sockets en GO" on 13/01/2017 by Jason Cruz
- "Ethical Hacking" on 27/01/2017 by Jesus
- on 27/01/2017 by Luis
- "Tendencias tecnologicas: Realidad Mixta" on 10/02/2017 by A. Ulate
- "Angular 2 material from material design" on 24/02/2017 by Esteban C. Git repo angular2-material .
- "UI-UX-Visual and Motion Design" on 10/03/2017 by Sr. Bryan A. Sotela
- "Web APIs (WebBluetooth & WebRTC)" on 24/03/2017 by Francisco Cerdas aka Chico
- "IOT y RFID " on 24/03/2017 by Diana Esquivel
- "Rust" on 24/03/2017 by Jason Cruz
- "Industria de los videojuegos" on 05/05/2017 by A. Ulate
- "Contenido Viral" on 05/05/2017 by Luis
- "Amazon LEX - Bots" on 19/05/2017 by Sanchez
- "Algo de diseno :)" on 19/05/2017 by Saieth
- "Android Studio 3.0" on 02/06/2017 by Jesus
- "Predicción de terremotos mediante Machine Learning" on 02/06/2017 by Andrés
- "Android Things" on 16/03/2018 by Chico
- "MWC" on 16/03/2018 by Chuz
- "Flutter" on 13/04/2018 by Jason Cruz