Control your electric skateboard with an Arduino controlled remote. This repository contains the needed software for the remote and the receiver, but you will need to install a few Arduino Libraries in order to compile the Arduino sketches. The Arduino IDE comes with most of the needed libraries, but you will ned to manually install VescUartControl from RollingGecko:
You can find the 3D-models for the remote (STL files) on Thingiverse: and read more about the project on:
I have made a Wiki here on Github, with a few tips and guides on how to build the remote. The Wiki can be found here:
Donation link:
Important: This remote is still in development, and is far from perfect. Stay safe, and remember to wear protective gear!
Update 2.0 introduces quite a few new interesting features to the remote, and fixes some minor issues from the past. The update includes:
- The possibility to generate a new address
- Receiver settings (transmitable from the remote)
- Trigger- and controlmode is handled on the receiver
- Calibration of throttle
- Remote now uses channel 108
- UART throttle control
- Introducing cruise control