The correct name of this package is currently mrt:mathjax
but it will probably change in the future.
The package provides a handlebars helper that enables rendering mathematical formulas with mathjax. Currently, the mathjax
source code is loaded from cloud as soon as the first formula is being rendered.
An example use of mathjax
in a template may look like this:
<p>Let $(a_n)$, $(b_n)$ and $(c_n)$ be series
of real numbers with $a_n\leq b_n\leq c_n$
for each $n$. Supposing that $(a_n)$ and $(c_n)$
are convergent to the same limit, $(b_n)$
is also convergent, and moreover</p>
<!-- this equation will be displayed -->
\lim a_n=\lim b_n=\lim c_n.
Remember to use single dollars $...$
for inline math, and double $$...$$
for displaying equations.