Code for the manim-generated scenes used in 3blue1brown videos
Lightweight, fast, stable, and programmable component-based rule engine/process engine. Component reuse, synchronous/asynchronous orchestration, dynamic orchestration, multi-language scripting supp…
🌎📡 TypeScript Astrodynamics Software for Non-Engineers. 3D Visualization of satellite data and the sensors that track them.
An extensible 3D GIS application for visualization, analysis and research.
QT QML map application. Works on PC and Android
【A common used C++ DAG framework】 一个通用的、无三方依赖的、跨平台的、收录于awesome-cpp的、基于流图的并行计算框架。欢迎star & fork & 交流
🚀 A Node.js full-stack framework with workflow engine.
🌈 A UI library of components written in QML and designed with reference to the Microsoft Ribbon style.
Javascript library for 3D space visualizations
Shooting and bouncing rays method for radar cross-section calculations, accelerated with BVH algorithm running on GPU (C++ AMP).
Header-only single-class implementation of Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls finding in arbitrary dimension (>1) space.
Implementations of various 2D convex hull algorithms in C++
Fast multi-thread FEC simulator & library of efficient digital communication algorithms for SDR.
SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper.
Shim to insulate apps from spec changes and prefix differences. Latest adapter.js release:
❤️ SQLite ORM light header only library for modern C++
A hierarchical timer wheel, for implementing timed event queues
C/C++ server and network library, including coroutine,redis client,http/https/websocket,mqtt, mysql/postgresql/sqlite client with C/C++ for Linux, Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, etc..
🧩 Collection of Material Components based on QtQuickControls2.
C++ implementation of ChatGLM-6B & ChatGLM2-6B & ChatGLM3 & GLM4(V)
💎多语言实现,高性能生成唯一数字ID。 💎优化的雪花算法(SnowFlake)——雪花漂移算法,在缩短ID长度的同时,具备极高瞬时并发处理能力(50W/0.1s)。 💎原生支持 C#/Java/Go/Rust/C/JavaScript/TypeScript/Python/Pascal 多语言,提供其它适用于其它语言的多线程安全调用动态库(FFI)。💎支持容器环境自动扩容(自动注册 Worke…