DoomPlay is convenient player for android with minimalistic interface . DoomPlay based on BASS library .
Supported formats:
- Ordinal formats (.mp3;.mp2;.mp1;.ogg;.oga;.wav;.aif;.aiff;.aifc;)
- MO3 (.mo3;.xm;.mod;.s3m;.it;.mtm;.umx;)
- Free Lossless Audio Codec (.flac;)
- MIDI (.midi;.mid;.mus;.rmi;.kar;)
- AAC (.aac;.mp4;.m4a;.m4b;*.m4p;)
- WavPack Audio Codec (.wv;.wvc;)
- Monkey's Audio (.ape;)
- MusePack (.mpc;.mpp;.mp+;)
- Apple Lossless (.mp4;.m4a;.m4b;.m4p;)
- Speex (.spx;*.wav;.oga;.ogg;)
DoomPlay can:
- sort by Folders,Artists,Albums
- support Playlists
- music search
- view lyrics
- play music from Vkontakte
- get music of Friends , Groups (vk)
- get Popular music (by genres) and My music (vk)
- 2 configurable widgets
- automatically downloads cover art for a songs
- can change app's language (only en , ru)
- and so on
DoomPlay is an open source player and you're welcome to contribute.
Vladislav Krot <[email protected]>
###on Google Play DoomPlay.
DoomPlay distributed under Apache 2 license.