Hello Coders!!👨💻
I am Aanurag Vishwakarma, an aspiring Web developer🤖. Here is the project on front-end Web Development.
- 🎨 This repository contains my project on a Canvas Editor using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript.
- 🖼️ It includes a webpage with a canvas element that allows you to style text content as needed (made for fun purposes 🎉).
- 🚀 We welcome all contributions to make this a fantastic resource for other users.
- 💻 Jump in and contribute to this grand project
- 📚 Read the guidelines and get started building! 🛠️
- 🚀 The project now supports setting background images and colors, enhancing the customization options for your canvas!
- 🎉 This project is open to contributions from the community. Jump in and help make it a great resource!
To change the background color or image:
## How to make a Pull Request?
1. Start by forking the Canvas-Editor repository. Click on the symbol at the top right corner.
2. Clone your forked repository:
git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/Canvas-Editor
3. Navigate to the new project directory:
cd Canvas-Editor
4. Set upstream command:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/vishanurag/Canvas-Editor
5. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b YourBranchName
git branch YourBranchName
git switch YourBranchName
6. Sync your fork or local repository with the origin repository:
- In your forked repository click on
Fetch upstream
. - Click
Fetch and merge
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
Github Docs for Syncing
7. Make your changes to the source code.
8. Stage your changes and commit:
git add .
or git add *
. Instead, stage your changes for each file/folder
git add file/folder
git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"
9. Push your local commits to the remote repository:
git push origin YourBranchName
10. Create a Pull Request!
Congratulations! You've made your first contribution! 🙌🏼
| 4F24L | [ANURAG VISHWAKARMA](https://github.com/ANURAG VISHWAKARMA) | Abhinav | [Aman Kumar](https://github.com/Aman Kumar) | AnantInamdar77 | [Ananya Gupta](https://github.com/Ananya Gupta) | [Anuj Shrivastava](https://github.com/Anuj Shrivastava) | [Anurag Vishwakarma](https://github.com/Anurag Vishwakarma) | [Archisman Khanra](https://github.com/Archisman Khanra) | Ayushi_Taralkar | Ayushraj_2804 | Bhoomysingh10 | Gayatri | [Gayatri Mohite](https://github.com/Gayatri Mohite) | [Hannah Maria](https://github.com/Hannah Maria) | [Haris Ellahi](https://github.com/Haris Ellahi) | [Himangshu Sharma](https://github.com/Himangshu Sharma) | [Jahnavika gopal](https://github.com/Jahnavika gopal) | Jahnavikagopal | KAmal-senpai | | Ayushraj_2804 | Bhoomysingh10 | Gayatri | [Gayatri Mohite](https://github.com/Gayatri Mohite) | [Hannah Maria](https://github.com/Hannah Maria) | [Haris Ellahi](https://github.com/Haris Ellahi) | [Himangshu Sharma](https://github.com/Himangshu Sharma) | [Jahnavika gopal](https://github.com/Jahnavika gopal) | Jahnavikagopal | KAmal-senpai | [Kamal sing bhumij](https://github.com/Kamal sing bhumij) | Khushi-Nigam | MIGHTY1o1 | [Manya .N](https://github.com/Manya .N) | [Meesala Govindu](https://github.com/Meesala Govindu) | Neeru | Poorvika | Poushmita | [Poushmita Paul](https://github.com/Poushmita Paul) | [Pranshu Jaiswal](https://github.com/Pranshu Jaiswal) | | [Kamal sing bhumij](https://github.com/Kamal sing bhumij) | Khushi-Nigam | MIGHTY1o1 | [Manya .N](https://github.com/Manya .N) | [Meesala Govindu](https://github.com/Meesala Govindu) | Neeru | Poorvika | Poushmita | [Poushmita Paul](https://github.com/Poushmita Paul) | [Pranshu Jaiswal](https://github.com/Pranshu Jaiswal) | [Rajdeep Chakraborty](https://github.com/Rajdeep Chakraborty) | [Rounak Dey](https://github.com/Rounak Dey) | Sagar2006 | [Samyak Aditya](https://github.com/Samyak Aditya) | [Santhosh Sudhaan N G](https://github.com/Santhosh Sudhaan N G) | Shrinedhi.M.R. | [Sneha Tiwari](https://github.com/Sneha Tiwari) | [Sri lekkha Ramesh](https://github.com/Sri lekkha Ramesh) | [Srishti Soni](https://github.com/Srishti Soni) | [Subin Shakya](https://github.com/Subin Shakya) | | [Rajdeep Chakraborty](https://github.com/Rajdeep Chakraborty) | [Rounak Dey](https://github.com/Rounak Dey) | Sagar2006 | [Samyak Aditya](https://github.com/Samyak Aditya) | [Santhosh Sudhaan N G](https://github.com/Santhosh Sudhaan N G) | Shrinedhi.M.R. | [Sneha Tiwari](https://github.com/Sneha Tiwari) | [Sri lekkha Ramesh](https://github.com/Sri lekkha Ramesh) | [Srishti Soni](https://github.com/Srishti Soni) | [Subin Shakya](https://github.com/Subin Shakya) | [Sujal Patil](https://github.com/Sujal Patil) | [Sumit Rathor](https://github.com/Sumit Rathor) | Tanushree084 | [Venkata Vyshnavi Bondalapati](https://github.com/Venkata Vyshnavi Bondalapati) | VidhanThakur09 | VivekShahare04 | Web-Dev-Learner | [abhishek farshwal](https://github.com/abhishek farshwal) | adityalaxkar | adityalaxkar123 | | [Sujal Patil](https://github.com/Sujal Patil) | [Sumit Rathor](https://github.com/Sumit Rathor) | Tanushree084 | [Venkata Vyshnavi Bondalapati](https://github.com/Venkata Vyshnavi Bondalapati) | VidhanThakur09 | VivekShahare04 | Web-Dev-Learner | [abhishek farshwal](https://github.com/abhishek farshwal) | adityalaxkar | adityalaxkar123 | archanasingh11 | ash-k121 | govindumeesala | monishkumardvs | mrpankajpandey | phantom_.1 | poorvikaa08 | priya | riyarane46 | rounakdey6 | | archanasingh11 | ash-k121 | govindumeesala | monishkumardvs | mrpankajpandey | phantom_.1 | poorvikaa08 | priya | riyarane46 | rounakdey6 | [rutika kengal](https://github.com/rutika kengal) | saadgibawa | sarinsanyal | sejals23 | [simmi verma](https://github.com/simmi verma) | sriraghavi22 | tanish | tanishkagarg1911 | yashksaini-coder | [�Archisman Khanra](https://github.com/�Archisman Khanra) | | [rutika kengal](https://github.com/rutika kengal) | saadgibawa | sarinsanyal | sejals23 | [simmi verma](https://github.com/simmi verma) | sriraghavi22 | tanish | tanishkagarg1911 | yashksaini-coder | [�Archisman Khanra](https://github.com/�Archisman Khanra) | |