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Share lyrics with friends. Featuring online rooms.

Built upon on the following


Using the following libraries

  • Axios
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • ChordSheetJs
  • Mocha & Chai
  • Http & Path
  • csv-parser


SongSync is licensed under GNU LGPLv3, a free and open-source license. For more information, please see the license file.



socket.on('disconnect', () => {

When a user disconnects, run the following code:removeLeaderIfDisconnected() & removeEmptyRooms()

socket.on('leaderJoin', (room) => {
        if (roomMap.has(room)) {
  'roomAlreadyExists', room);
        } else {
            leaderJoinAction(room, socket);

On leaderJoin event, check if roomMap has room. If room exists, send roomAlreadyExists event to client Otherwise, run leaderJoinAction().

socket.on('followerJoin', (room) => {
        if (roomMap.has(room)) {
            followerJoinAction(room, socket);
        } else {
  'roomNotFound', room);

On followerJoin event, check if roomMap has room. If room exists, run followerJoinAction(). Otherwise, send roomNotFound event to client

socket.on('displayLeaderLyrics', (room, song) => {
    let lyrics = chordProFormat(song['lyrics']);
    let title = song['title'];
    let artist = song['artist'];
    let posAndLeader = [lyrics,, title, artist];
    roomMap.set(room, posAndLeader);'displayLyrics', lyrics, title, artist);

On displayLeaderLyrics event, retrieve lyrics, title, and artist from song. Add previous variables to the posAndLeader array. Set the value of the room key to posAndLeader in the roomMap Map.

socket.on('displayFollowerLyrics', (room) => {
    let lyrics = roomMap.get(room)[0];
    let title = roomMap.get(room)[2];
    let artist = roomMap.get(room)[3];'displayLyrics', lyrics, title, artist);

On displayFollowerLyrics event, retrieve lyrics, title, and artist from roomMap. Emit displayLyrics event to client, passing on lyrics, title, and artist.

socket.on('scroll', (room, visibleTables) => {
    let vt = visibleTables;'move', vt);

On scroll event, emit move event to room, passing vt.

socket.on('getChordProFromUrl', async(url) => {
    let result = await getChordProFromUrl(url);'parseSongFile', result);

On getChordProFromUrl event, retrieve result from function getChordProFromUrl. Emit parseSongFile event to client, passing result.

async function getChordProFromUrl(url) {
    try {
        const result = await axios.get(url)
    } catch (err) {
        console.log('Error ' + err.statusCode);
        return undefined;

Using the axios libary, download file from given url. Return the result. Catch any errors from invalid urls.

function isLeaderAction(socketid, room) {
    let leader = roomMap.get(room)[1];

    return leader == socketid;

Check if the given socketid is the leader of the given room

function isLeaderDisconnected(socketid) {
    let savedRoom;

    roomMap.forEach((roomInfo, room) => {
        if (isLeaderAction(socketid, room)) {
            savedRoom = room;

    return savedRoom;

Check if the given socketid is a leader of a room. Return found room. room is undefined if not found.

function removeLeaderIfDisconnected(socketid) {
    let room = isLeaderDisconnected(socketid);

    if (room != undefined) {

Retrieve room from function isLeaderDisconnected. If the room exists, delete room from roomMap.

function isRoomEmpty(room) {
    const arr = Array.from(io.sockets.adapter.rooms);
    const filtered = arr.filter(room => !room[1].has(room[0]));
    // ==> ['room1', 'room2']
    const rooms = => i[0]);
    return !rooms.includes(room);

Retrieve list of rooms currently instantiated in If given room is no longer in current list of rooms, return True. Otherwise, False.

function removeEmptyRooms() {
    roomMap.forEach((values, key) => {
        if (isRoomEmpty(key)) {

Given rooms in roomMap, delete rooms that are empty from roomMap

function roomMapHasRoom(room) {
    return roomMap.has(room);

When function roomMapHasRoom() is called, check if given room has a corresponding key value in the roomMap Map. If the result is true, return True. Otherwise, the function will return a False result.

function leaderJoinAction(room, socket) {
    let posAndLeader = [undefined, socket];
    roomMap.set(room, posAndLeader);

    socket.join(room);'leaderJoin', room);'startSession');'enableScroll');

Save the current leader's socket id and room id to roomMap. Tell to create a new room. Then let the leader join said room. In the newly created room. Emit leaderJoin, startSession, and enableScroll to the client side.

function followerJoinAction(room, socket) {
    socket.join(room);'followerJoin', room);'startSession');

Let the follower join given 'room'. Emit followerJoin, and startSession to the client side.

function chordProFormat(input) {
    const chordSheet = input;
    const parser = new ChordSheetJS.ChordProParser();
    const song = parser.parse(chordSheet);
    const formatter = new ChordSheetJS.HtmlTableFormatter();
    const disp = formatter.format(song);
    return disp;

Using the ChordSheetJs library, format the given raw text input as an html element that will be sent client side


uploadButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
    if (chordproFileInput != null || (chordproUrlInput != null)) {
        if (fileUpload) {
            console.log("file upload");
        } else {
            console.log("Url upload")
            await retrieveUrl();

On click of uploadButton check if inputs are null then check if input is file upload or URL upload.

chordproFileInput.addEventListener('change', () => {
    fileUpload = true;

Add a change event listener to the chordproFileInput to check if the user is uploading a file and change fileUpload to true

let acceptedExtensions = ['cho', 'crd', 'chopro', 'chord', 'pro'];

chordproFileInput.addEventListener('change', function () {
    let trueExtension = chordproFileInput.value.split('.').pop();
    if (!acceptedExtensions.includes(trueExtension)) {
        alert('Not a valid ChordPro File or you have pasted a URL');
        chordproFileInput.value = '';
        nextButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled')

    } else if (chordproUrlInput.value !== '') {
        chordproUrlInput.value = '';
        alert('Please only select one option')

    } else {


Add a change event listener to the chordproFileInput that checks to see if the file extension matches the accepted chordpro file extensions in the acceptedExtensions list, which will enable the nextButton.

If the file does not contain the accepted extensions, an alert() will let the user know that the file is not valid. And if the user passes a value to chordproUrlInput at the same time, an alert() will let the user know that they can only select one option.

chordproUrlInput.addEventListener('input', function () {
    fileUpload = false;
    let trueExtension = chordproUrlInput.value.split('.').pop();
    let notValidUrlLabel = document.getElementById('notValidUrl');
    if (chordproFileInput.value != '') {
        alert('Please select one option');
        chordproFileInput.value = '';
    } else if (!acceptedExtensions.includes(trueExtension)) { = 'block';
        nextButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
    else { = 'none';
        nextButton.removeAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');

Add an input listener to chordProUrlInput that checks if the user is submitting a URL, first check to make sure the chordproFileInput field is empty and alert() the user if it is not.

Check if the url the user entered is a valid url by making sure the extension matches one in the acceptedExtensions list, if the extension does not match set the button to disabled and display the notValidUrlLabel to the user.

input.addEventListener('input', function () {

Add an input listener to input that enables the startButton and the followerStartButton when they type in a room code.

async function retrieveUrl() {
    let url = chordproUrlInput.value;
    if (url.substring(url.includes(acceptedExtensions.values))) {
        await socket.emit('getChordProFromUrl', (url));
    } else {
        alert("This is not a valid ChordPro file");
        validFile = false;
        chordproUrlInput.value = '';

Retrieve the URL that the user entered and make sure the it is valid by checking the extension. If accepted, emit to the server the getChordProFromUrl event with the url as the argument.

socket.on('parseSongFile', (chordProInput) => {
    let title = getTitle(chordProInput);
    let subtitle = getSubtitle(chordProInput);
    let artist = getArtist(chordProInput);
    let composer = getComposer(chordProInput);
    let lyricist = getLyricist(chordProInput);
    let copyright = getCopyright(chordProInput);
    let album = getAlbum(chordProInput);
    let year = getYear(chordProInput);
    let key = getKey(chordProInput);
    let time = getTime(chordProInput);
    let tempo = getTempo(chordProInput);
    let duration = getDuration(chordProInput);
    lyrics = getLyrics(chordProInput);

    song = {};
    song["title"] = title;
    song["subtitle"] = subtitle;
    song["artist"] = artist;
    song["composer"] = composer;
    song["lyricist"] = lyricist;
    song["copyright"] = copyright;
    song["album"] = album;
    song["year"] = year;
    song["key"] = key;
    song["time"] = time;
    song["tempo"] = tempo;
    song["duration"] = duration;
    song["lyrics"] = lyrics;

    validFile = true;

When parseSongFile is emitted, a song object will be created from the chordproInput.>

function parseChordProFile() {
    let fileName = chordproFileInput.files[0].name;
    if (fileName.substring(fileName.includes(acceptedExtensions.values))) {
        let fr = new FileReader();
        fr.onload = function () {
            let chordProInput = fr.result;
            let title = getTitle(chordProInput);
            let subtitle = getSubtitle(chordProInput);
            let artist = getArtist(chordProInput);
            let composer = getComposer(chordProInput);
            let lyricist = getLyricist(chordProInput);
            let copyright = getCopyright(chordProInput);
            let album = getAlbum(chordProInput);
            let year = getYear(chordProInput);
            let key = getKey(chordProInput);
            let time = getTime(chordProInput);
            let tempo = getTempo(chordProInput);
            let duration = getDuration(chordProInput);
            lyrics = getLyrics(chordProInput);

            song = {};
            song["title"] = title;
            song["subtitle"] = subtitle;
            song["artist"] = artist;
            song["composer"] = composer;
            song["lyricist"] = lyricist;
            song["copyright"] = copyright;
            song["album"] = album;
            song["year"] = year;
            song["key"] = key;
            song["time"] = time;
            song["tempo"] = tempo;
            song["duration"] = duration;
            song["lyrics"] = lyrics;
        validFile = true;
    } else {
        alert("This is not a valid ChordPro file");
        validFile = false;
        chordproFileInput.value = null;

Creates a song object from chordproFileInput.

leaderCreateForm.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
    if (!input.value) return;

    room = input.value
    if (song == undefined) return;

    socket.emit('leaderJoin', input.value)

When the user submits the form to create the session, first prevent form submission. Check if input is null, return nothing if it is.

Check if song object is undefined return nothing if it is. Emit leaderJoin event to the server with input as the argument.

socket.on('leaderJoin', (room) => {
    socket.emit('displayLeaderLyrics', room, song)

On leaderJoin event emit displayerLeaderLyrics with room and song.

followerCreateForm.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
    room = input.value
    socket.emit('followerJoin', input.value)

When the follower submits followerCreateForm to join a session, first prevent form submission. Emit followerJoin event to the server with input.

socket.on('followerJoin', (room) => {
    socket.emit('displayLeaderLyrics', room, song)

On the followerJoin event, emit displayLeaderLyrics to the server with room and song.

socket.on('roomAlreadyExists', (room) => {
    if (alert("Room " + room + " already exists. Please try a different room id.")) { } else window.location.reload();

On roomAlreadyExists check if the user's input matches a room that has already been made by another user. Tell the user and reload the page.

socket.on('roomNotFound', (room) => {
    if (alert("Room " + room + " not found. Please try a different room id.")) { } else window.location.reload();

Alerts the user that the room they've tried to join does not exist.

function hideStartButton() { = "none"

Hide start button until it is ready to be displayed.

socket.on('startSession', () => {

On the startSession event run the hideStartButton function.

socket.on('displayLyrics', (lyrics, title, artist) => {
    document.getElementById('screen').style.display = 'flex';
    document.getElementById('display').style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById('song-info').style.display = 'flex';
    document.getElementById('display').innerHTML = lyrics;
    document.getElementById('session-name').innerHTML = "Session: " + room;
    document.getElementById('song-title').innerHTML = title;
    if (artist != 'Undefined') {
        document.getElementById('song-artist').innerHTML = "By " + artist;
    //document.getElementById('song-title').innerHTML = song["title"];
    var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.row');
    for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        elements[i].id = i;
    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        visibleTables[i] = 1;
    vtl = elements.length;

Displays the lyrics, session name, and song information.

socket.on('enableScroll', () => {
    console.log('scroll enabled');
    document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownScroll, false);

On enableScroll event add keydown eventListener run keyDownScroll.

socket.on('move', (vt) => {
    visibleTables = vt;
    visibleTables.length = vtl;

On the move event run displayTables()

function displayTables() {
    for (let i = 0; i < visibleTables.length; i++) {
        if (visibleTables[i] == 0 && document.getElementById(i) != null) {
            document.getElementById(i).style.display = "none";
        } else if (visibleTables[i] == 1 && document.getElementById(i) != null) {
            document.getElementById(i).style.display = "block";

Iterates through the visibleTables array and whether the index has a value of 1 (visible) or 0 (invisible) it will set display value of the corresponding html table row id to none or block. This is what scrolls the lyrics.

function moveDown() {
    if (visibleTables[visibleTables.length - 1] != 1) {
        var temp = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < visibleTables.length; i++) {
            if (visibleTables[i] == 1) {
                temp = i;
        visibleTables[temp] = 0;
        visibleTables[temp + 4] = 1;

Move the table down to display the next lyrics

function moveUp() {
    if (visibleTables[0] != 1) {
        var temp = 0;
        for (let i = visibleTables.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            if (visibleTables[i] == 1) {
                temp = i;
        visibleTables[temp] = 0;
        visibleTables[temp - 4] = 1;

Move the table up to display the previous lyrics

downArrow.addEventListener('click', function () {
    socket.emit('scroll', room, visibleTables);

When the downArrow is pressed, call moveDown() and emit scroll event with room and visibleTables.

upArrow.addEventListener('click', function () {
    socket.emit('scroll', room, visibleTables);

When upArrow is pressed, call moveUp() and emit scroll event with room and visibleTables.

function keyDownScroll(e) {
    //speed = document.getElementsByClassName('row')[0].clientHeight;
    var keyCode = e.keyCode;
    if (keyCode == 40 || keyCode == 34) {
        socket.emit('scroll', room, visibleTables);
    } else if (keyCode == 38 || keyCode == 33) {
        socket.emit('scroll', room, visibleTables);

Call the functions moveDown() or moveUp() and emit scroll event with room and visibleTables based on if the user pressed up, down, page up, or page down.

function getLyrics(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let finalSong = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if ((!(split[i].includes('{') || split[i].includes('/')))) {
            if (split[i].trim().length != 0) {
                finalSong += split[i] + "\n";
    split = finalSong.split('\n');
    finalSong = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (!(split[i] == '')) {
            finalSong += split[i];
    return finalSong;

Cleans up chordPro file and gets rid of all unecessary spaces.

function getTitle(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let title = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{title:") || split[i].includes('{ title:') || split[i].includes('{t:') || split[i].includes('{ t:')) {
            title = split[i].replace("{title:", '');
            title = title.replace('{ title:', '');
            title = title.replace('{t:', '');
            title = title.replace('{ t:', '');
            title = title.replace('}', '');
            return title.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: title') || split[i].includes('{ meta: title') || split[i].includes('{meta: t') || split[i].includes('{ meta: t')) {
            title = split[i].replace('{meta: title', '');
            title = title.replace('{ meta: title', '');
            title = title.replace('{meta: t', '');
            title = title.replace('{ meta: t', '');
            title = title.replace('}', '');
            return title.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets title of the song.

function getSubtitle(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let subtitle = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{subtitle:") || split[i].includes('{ subtitle:') || split[i].includes('{st:') || split[i].includes('{ st:')) {
            subtitle = split[i].replace("{subtitle:", '');
            subtitle = subtitle.replace('{ subtitle:', '');
            subtitle = subtitle.replace('{st:', '');
            subtitle = subtitle.replace('{ st:', '');
            subtitle = subtitle.replace('}', '');
            return subtitle.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: subtitle') || split[i].includes('{ meta: subtitle') || split[i].includes('{meta: st') || split[i].includes('{ meta: st')) {
            subtitle = split[i].replace('{meta: subtitle', '');
            subtitle = subtitle.replace('{ meta: subtitle', '');
            subtitle = subtitle.replace('{meta: st', '');
            subtitle = subtitle.replace('{ meta: st', '');
            subtitle = subtitle.replace('}', '');
            return subtitle.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets subtitle of the song.

function getArtist(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let artist = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{artist:") || split[i].includes('{ artist:') || split[i].includes('{a:') || split[i].includes('{ a:')) {
            artist = split[i].replace("{artist:", '');
            artist = artist.replace('{ artist:', '');
            artist = artist.replace('{a:', '');
            artist = artist.replace('{ a:', '');
            artist = artist.replace('}', '');
            return artist.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: artist') || split[i].includes('{ meta: artist') || split[i].includes('{meta: a') || split[i].includes('{ meta: a')) {
            artist = split[i].replace('{meta: artist', '');
            artist = artist.replace('{ meta: artist', '');
            artist = artist.replace('{meta: a', '');
            artist = artist.replace('{ meta: a', '');
            artist = artist.replace('}', '');
            return artist.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets the artist of the song.

function getComposer(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let composer = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{composer:") || split[i].includes('{ composer:')) {
            composer = split[i].replace("{composer:", '');
            composer = composer.replace('{ composer:', '');
            composer = composer.replace('}', '');
            return composer.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: composer') || split[i].includes('{ meta: composer')) {
            composer = split[i].replace('{meta: composer', '');
            composer = composer.replace('{ meta: composer', '');
            composer = composer.replace('}', '');
            return composer.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets the composer of the song.

function getLyricist(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let lyricist = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{lyricist:") || split[i].includes('{ lyricist:')) {

            lyricist = split[i].replace("{lyricist:", '');
            lyricist = lyricist.replace('{ lyricist:', '');
            lyricist = lyricist.replace('}', '');
            return lyricist.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: lyricist') || split[i].includes('{ meta: lyricist')) {

            lyricist = split[i].replace('{meta: lyricist', '');
            lyricist = lyricist.replace('{ meta: lyricist', '');
            lyricist = lyricist.replace('}', '');
            return lyricist.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets the lyrcist of the song.

function getCopyright(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let copyright = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{copyright:") || split[i].includes('{ copyright:')) {

            copyright = split[i].replace("{copyright:", '');
            copyright = copyright.replace('{ copyright:', '');
            copyright = copyright.replace('}', '');
            return copyright.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: copyright') || split[i].includes('{ meta: copyright')) {

            copyright = split[i].replace('{meta: copyright', '');
            copyright = copyright.replace('{ meta: copyright', '');
            copyright = copyright.replace('}', '');
            return copyright.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets Copyright of song

function getAlbum(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let album = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{album:") || split[i].includes('{ album:')) {

            album = split[i].replace("{album:", '');
            album = album.replace('{ album:', '');
            album = album.replace('}', '');
            return album.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: album') || split[i].includes('{ meta: album')) {

            album = split[i].replace('{meta: album', '');
            album = album.replace('{ meta: album', '');
            album = album.replace('}', '');
            return album.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets Album of song

function getYear(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let year = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{year:") || split[i].includes('{ year:') || split[i].includes('{y:') || split[i].includes('{ y:')) {

            year = split[i].replace("{year:", '');
            year = year.replace('{ year:', '');
            year = year.replace('{y:', '');
            year = year.replace('{ y:', '');
            year = year.replace('}', '');
            return year.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: year') || split[i].includes('{ meta: year') || split[i].includes('{meta: y') || split[i].includes('{ meta: y')) {

            year = split[i].replace('{meta: year', '');
            year = year.replace('{ meta: year', '');
            year = year.replace('{meta: y', '');
            year = year.replace('{ meta: y', '');
            year = year.replace('}', '');
            return year.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets Year of song

function getKey(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let key = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{key:") || split[i].includes('{ key:')) {

            key = split[i].replace("{key:", '');
            key = key.replace('{ key:', '');
            key = key.replace('}', '');
            return key.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: key') || split[i].includes('{ meta: key')) {

            key = split[i].replace('{meta: key', '');
            key = key.replace('{ meta: key', '');
            key = key.replace('}', '');
            return key.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets Key of song

function getTime(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let time = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{time:") || split[i].includes('{ time:')) {

            time = split[i].replace("{time:", '');
            time = time.replace('{ time:', '');
            time = time.replace('}', '');
            return time.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: time') || split[i].includes('{ meta: time')) {

            time = split[i].replace('{meta: time', '');
            time = time.replace('{ meta: time', '');
            time = time.replace('}', '');
            return time.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets Time of song

function getTempo(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let tempo = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{tempo:") || split[i].includes('{ tempo:')) {

            tempo = split[i].replace("{tempo:", '');
            tempo = tempo.replace('{ tempo:', '');
            tempo = tempo.replace('}', '');
            return tempo.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{tempo: key') || split[i].includes('{ tempo: key')) {

            tempo = split[i].replace('{meta: tempo', '');
            tempo = tempo.replace('{ meta: tempo', '');
            tempo = tempo.replace('}', '');
            return tempo.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets Tempo of song

function getDuration(song) {
    let split = song.split('\n');
    let duration = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
        if (split[i].includes("{duration:") || split[i].includes('{ duration:')) {

            duration = split[i].replace("{duration:", '');
            duration = duration.replace('{ duration:', '');
            duration = duration.replace('}', '');
            return duration.trim();
        } else if (split[i].includes('{meta: duration') || split[i].includes('{ meta: duration')) {

            duration = split[i].replace('{meta: duration', '');
            duration = duration.replace('{ meta: duration', '');
            duration = duration.replace('}', '');
            return duration.trim();
    return "Undefined";

Gets Duration of song