University of Cambridge
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/son-gyo-jung-655537135/
- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8464-2526
Automatic Prediction of Molecular Properties Using Substructure Vector Embeddings within a Feature Selection Workflow
UVVIS Public
Automatic Prediction of Peak Optical Absorption Wavelengths in Molecules using Convolutional Neural Networks
CurieML Public
Prediction of Curie Temperature using Machine Learning
SuperconductivityML Public
Machine-Learning Predictions of Critical Temperatures from Chemical Compositions of Superconductors
AlloysML Public
Predictive Modeling of High-Entropy Alloys and Amorphous Metallic Alloys Using Machine Learning
Official implementation of "Gradient Boosted and Statistical Feature Selection Pipeline for Materials Property Predictions"
BGML Public
Automatic Prediction of Band Gaps of Inorganic Materials using Machine Learning
RayTracer Public
Computational modelling of ray propagation through optical elements using the principles of geometric optics (Ray Tracer)
MSDPS Public
Modelling Single & Double Pendulum Systems (MSDPS) - Using finite difference methods for solving ordinary differential equations
Minimisation of a negative log likelihood fit to extract the lifetime of the D^0 meson (MNLL2ELDM)
Official implementation of "Current-controlled nanomagnetic writing for reconfigurable magnonic crystals"
PM Public
Percolation Modelling (PM)