Stroika is a modern, portable, C++ application framework. It makes writing C++ applications easier by providing safe, flexible, building blocks, as well as wrappers on other useful libraries that help them to all work together more seemlessly.
Code snippets / examples
String class UNICODE interoperability, more convenient methods
extern void CallFunction (String);
String a = u8"£50";
// regardless of which way constructed,
// stored internally compactly (in this case 5 bytes for data)
String b = u32" abc ";
CallFunction (a+b);
// trim whitespace, and convert to u16string for some legacy API
std::u16string uuu = (a+b).Trim ().As<u16string>();
// tokenize
String t{ "ABC DEF G" };
Assert (t.Tokenize ()[1] == "DEF");
_f strings, c++20 format, works with stroika types
// most Stroika types automatically support formattable<>
DbgTrace ("v = {}"_f, v); // to a tracelog file, or debugger
cerr << "v = {}"_f (v) << endl; // OR iostreams (unicode mapped automatically)
Iterable<T> - easy to use functional APIs on all iterables, similar to C# LINQ
Similar to c++20 ranges API, but much easier to use (like C# Linq): methods of iterable objects easier to select with smart (e.g. vscode) editor than (std::ranges).
// nb: String is an Iterable<Character>,
// despite internally representing the characters very differently
bool IsAllWhitespace (String s) const
return not s.Find ([] (Character c) -> bool { return not c.IsWhitespace (); });
Iterable<int> c { 1, 2, 2, 5, 9, 4, 5, 6 };
EXPECT_TRUE (c.Distinct ().SetEquals ({ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9 }));
// Map iterates over 'c' and produces the template argument container
// automatically by appending the result of each lambda application
Iterable<int> c { 3, 4, 7 };
vector<String> vv = c.Map<vector<String>> ([] (int i) { return "{}"_f (i); });
EXPECT_EQ (vv, (vector<String>{"3", "4", "7"}));
// Use Map<> to transform, select subobjects, and filter, and pipe into algorithms like Median
DateTime now = DateTime::Now ();
auto medianDurationOfOpenConnections =
connections.Map<Iterable<Duration>> ([&] (auto c) { return now - c.fCreatedAt; }).Median ();
auto medianDurationOfActiveConnections =
.Map<Iterable<Duration>> ([&] (const auto& c) -> optional<Duration> {
if (c.fActive == false)
return nullopt;
return now - c.fCreatedAt;
.Median ();
Containers (are Iterable<something>)
COW (copy-on-write) often signifcantly improves performance for most common cases (e.g. when one type aggregates another)
APIs organized by access pattern: representational transparency (e.g. Sequence might be implemented as array, linked list, or memory mapped file)
extern void f(Set<int>); // define API in terms of ArchType 'Set<int>' // use the default Set<> representation - the best for type 'int' Set<int> s{1, 2, 3}; // as if copy-by-value, but data not actually copied - // Stroika containers use 'copy-on-write (COW)' f(s); s = Concrete::SortedSet_SkipList<int>{s}; // Use a skiplist to represent the set f(s); // call f the same way regardless of data structure used for implementation // set equality not order dependent (regardless of data structure) Assert (s == {2,3,1}); Mapping<int, int> m; m.Add (3, -3); m.Add (19, -19); if (m.Lookup (5)) { AssertNotReached (); // better not find it } Stack<String> stack; // automatically picks data represenation stack.Push ("hello"); auto r = stack.Pop ();
See Containers Sample for more details; Stroika provides a rich set of container archtypes, and data structure implmentations.
Streams vs std::iostream
- formatting not intrinsic, but uses std::format / _f strings
- simple abstractions so easy to implement your own stream classes (InputStream::IRep<T>,OutputStream::IRep<T>)
- designed for synchronous case, but async APIs available for when needed (e.g. ReadIfAvailable() returns optional - no modes)
MemoryStream::Ptr<byte> tmpStream = MemoryStream::New<byte> ();
tmpStream.Write (BLOB{...}); // just write binary data to the stream
BinaryToText::Reader::Ptr r = BinaryToText::Reader::New (tmpStream); // optional args for character codes
String asStr = r.ReadAll (); // read that data back as strings
// persist these to file
using namespace IO::FileSystem;
FileOutputStream::Ptr tmpFileStream =
FileOutputStream::New (WellKnownLocations::GetTemporary () / "t.txt");
tmpFileStream.Write (BLOB{});
// or write text
TextToBinary::Writer::New (tmpFileStream/*,optionally specify codepage/conversions/BOM?*/).Write (asStr);
Streams and ObjectVariantMapper
MyClass someObject = ...;
VariantValue v = mapper.FromObject (someObject); // Map object to a VariantValue
// Serialize using any serialization writer defined in
// Stroika::Foundation::DataExchange::Variant (we selected JSON)
Streams::MemoryStream::Ptr<byte> tmpStream = Streams::MemoryStream::New<byte> ();
Variant::JSON::Writer{}.Write (v, tmpStream);
// You can persist these to file if you wish
using namespace IO::FileSystem;
FileOutputStream::Ptr tmpFileStream =
FileOutputStream::New (WellKnownLocations::GetTemporary () / "t.txt");
Variant::JSON::Writer{}.Write (v, tmpFileStream);
See Serialization Sample for more details
Streams and networking (SSL)
auto [pk, cert] = Certificate::New (Certificate::SelfSignedCertParams{
.fSubject = {.fCountry = "US"sv, .fOrganization = "ACME Inc"sv, .fCommonName = "localhost"sv}});
auto [fromRawSocket, toRawSocket] = ConnectionOrientedStreamSocket::NewPair (SocketAddress::INET);
Thread::Ptr clientThread{Thread::New (
[&] () {
auto p = Cryptography::SSL::SocketStream::New (fromRawSocket, ClientContext::Options{});
auto writingStream = TextWriter::New (p); // treat byte stream as Character stream
// could select characterset/mapping here
writingStream.Write ("Hello"sv);
writingStream.Close (); // so ReadAll in serverThread knows we are done
Thread::eAutoStart, "client"sv)};
Thread::Ptr serverThread{Thread::New (
[&] () {
ServerContext::Options serverOptions{.fCertificate = make_tuple (pk, cert)};
auto p = Cryptography::SSL::SocketStream::New (toRawSocket, serverOptions);
auto readData = TextReader::New (p).ReadAll (); // waits for writer side to close
EXPECT_EQ (readData, "Hello"sv);
Thread::eAutoStart, "server"sv)};
Thread::WaitForDone ({clientThread, serverThread});
Build WebServies into your application
// explicit message handler
[this] (Message& m, const String& varName) {
WriteResponse (m.rwResponse (), kVariables_,
kMapper.FromObject (fWSImpl_->Variables_GET (varName)));
Route{HTTP::MethodsRegEx::kPost, "plus"_RegEx,
// automatically map high level functions via ObjectVariantMapper
[this] (Number arg1, Number arg2) { return fWSImpl_->plus (arg1, arg2); }}},
See WebServices sample for more details.
Stroika provides a layer on top of the Standard C++ Library, with simpler to use (higher level) classes, more safety checking guarantees (in debug builds), and addressing areas not standardized (such as networking). But those Stroika classes seamlessly integrate with standard C++ classes, and your code can easily use as much of either library as preferences dictate.
Stylistically, Stroika differs from the Standard C++ Library, boost, and many other C++ libraries, in that it (relatively) embraces object oriented abstractions over template-based genericity (see The abstraction of type hierarchies is better suited to how people reason, and templates and concepts - while powerful - can be fiddly and obscure programmer intent. Also, Stroika emphasizes separation of interface from implementation: carefully documenting the interface in the headers, and separating the implementation to other files.
Stroika is comprised of 2 layers: the Foundation, which provides building-block classes applicable to most applications, and a series of domain specific Frameworks which provide a rich collection of code in different domains.
The Frameworks depend on the Foundation; Foundation modules frequently depend on each other; but Foundation layer code contains no dependencies outside of the Foundation (except on the Standard C++ Library, and various ThirdPartyComponent libraries optionally included or referenced, like openssl).
Don't want to read - just want to code. Step by step instructions to build your first stroika-based application on your machine, in minutes (less download/compile times - that varies).
- Nearly all public interfaces and methods are well documented; implementations are clear and well commented.
- Thoroughly integrated assertions (including thread-safety assertions) help document and enforce usage patterns (without performance cost in production builds).
- Each release is tested with Valgrind (memcheck), Google Sanitizers (TSAN, UBSAN, LEAK, and ASAN), Github CodeQL, and a variety of platforms and compilers, as well as a large body of regression tests (including most documentation examples) to help assure library correctness.
- Sample applications help show common use cases (like building a web server into your app to deliver web-service content and APIs).
- Quick start using pre-built Docker containers (for Windows, and Linux).
Stroika Foundation provides
- Cache classes (a variety of different caching/memoizing strategies directly supported).
- Characters classes (simpler to use - especially with UNICODE - Strings class, with functional style mappings, and ToString() utility for most Stroika objects).
- Container classes (Collection, Queue, Mapping, Sequence, Set, and much more, each with rich variety of backend implementations).
- DataExchange (VariantValue, rich collection of data format serializer/deserializers - like JSON, XML, object to/from serialization mappings, and much more).
- Execution pattern classes (external process runner, synchronization patterns, blocking queue, thread pools, and much more).
- Networking support (high level socket wrappers, Web client fetching).
- Simple, elegant streams library, with adapters for cryptography, compression, text transforms, etc.
- Seamless integration (object oriented wrappers respecting Stroika's safety and adapter rules) with many important libraries , including: boost, libcurl, lzma sdk, openssl, sqlite, xerces, zlib (e.g. wrap a compression stream - using for example zlib).
- and more...
Stroika Frameworks provides
- network measurement
- system performance monitoring
- text editing/word processor
- web server
- web services
- and more...
Stroika's biggest strength is also its biggest weakness:
- There are smaller, more focused libraries that do many of the things Stroika does. Being single purpose is a form of modularity (good) and allows for easy adoption/integration. But libraries that do anything of any complexity must create their own infrastructure for a wide variety of building block problems (e.g. Xerces has its own stream classes, pistache date classes, etc). And if you have two such libraries, they are unlikely to interact seemlessly, and their support classes (for stuff like date and streams above) certainly won't.
- Stroika takes the approach of building its functionality in layers, leveraging other components (e.g. Streams and Containers) in lower layers (as well as standardized C++ libraries). This slightly increases the cost of adopting Stroika for something small (because pulling one thing in pulls many things in), but then pays dividends as you use it to accomplish a second or third task.
Stroika v3 in active development (not stable), and requires C++20 or later.
Stroika v2.1 is stable (in maintainance), and requires C++17 or later. Version 2.1 also conditionally supports many C++20 features (such as three-way-comparison etc, if available).
Stroika v2.0 is very stable, and requires C++14 or later. Stroika v2.0 is used to power a wide variety of open source and commercial applications.
Linux, MacOS, Windows
Stroika v3
TBD, but so far looks like vs2k22 (17.9) or later on windows, XCode 15(.2) or later on MacOS, and g++11 or later, and clang++15 or later.
Stroika v2.1
Tested on x86, arm (+m1), gcc 8 thru gcc 12, clang 6 thru clang 14, Visual Studio.Net 2017, Visual Studio.Net 2019 and Visual Studio.Net 2022, XCode 13, 14, 15.
Stroika v2.0
Tested on x86, arm, gcc 5 thru gcc 8, clang 3 thru clang 6, XCode 8 thru 9.
Github Actions
Branches Status v3-Release .github/workflows/build-N-test.yml v3-Dev .github/workflows/build-N-test.yml
- Vanilla make based builds
- Portable API (targets windows/mac/unix), and multiple processors
For more details on individual release changes, see:
"Getting Started", build instructions, design and other documentation:
Looking through the samples is also a good way to start:
Please report bugs/issues at: