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Cross Platform highly configurable tool for automated communication while playing simulators.
- Modular design for support with various titles and devices.
- "SingleShot" support for integration with other scripts
- libao - cross-platform sound file library
- argtable2
- libconfig
- libxdg
- slog (static)
- simshmbridge
- simapi
This code depends on the shared memory data headers in the simapi repo. When pulling lastest if the submodule does not download run:
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then to compile simply:
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
be sure to set default_driver=pulse in libao.conf , i've only tested this using pulseaudio,
raceengineer monitor --sim=ac -c $HOME/.config/raceengineer.config -p $HOME/.local/share/raceengineer/sounds/
one can omit -c and -p, the paths specified above are the default values. in singelshot mode, one can specify the name of a specific config entry, for immediate response
raceengineer singleshot --sim=ac -m Tyre_Wear_All
mkdir build; cd build
make clean
cmake -Danalyze=on ..
cd build
valgrind -v --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --suppressions=../.valgrindrc ./raceengineer monitor --sim=ac
- more testing
- explore using mqtt for handling a queue of sound files to play
- much, much more