ProfileManifestsMirror Public
Forked from Jamf-Custom-Profile-Schemas/ProfileManifestsMirrorJamf JSON schema manifests automatically generated from ProfileCreator manifests (https://github.com/ProfileCreator/ProfileManifests)
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 13, 2023 -
AutoEq Public
Forked from jaakkopasanen/AutoEqAutomatic headphone equalization from frequency responses
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2020 -
Update_Jamf_Device Public
Forked from JasonSatti/Update_Jamf_DeviceConnect to Jamf Instance and update a user's device information.
Python UpdatedApr 18, 2019 -
docker-nagios Public
Forked from ethnchao/docker-nagiosDocker-Nagios provide Nagios service running on the docker container and a series of solution for Nagios
Dockerfile UpdatedMay 31, 2018