Final-Project-PSeInt Public
This is the final project of the PSeInt course that i took. It is about a program that manage the information of a hospital. This program was make on PSeInt v20210609.
1 UpdatedMar 1, 2023 -
This algorithm does the fibonacci sequence using the recursive function. On PSeInt v20210609
Papyrus UpdatedFeb 27, 2023 -
This algorithm uses the binary search on a matriz 5x5. On PseInt v20210609
Sorting-a-Matrix-3x3-PSeInt Public
This algorithm sort a matrix 3x3, using improve bubble method.
Papyrus UpdatedFeb 21, 2023 -
This algorithm change the order of digits of a number of 3 digits. On PseInt 20210609
Papyrus UpdatedJan 7, 2023 -
This is an algorithm that calculates the subtraction of 3x3 matrices on DFD 1.1.
UpdatedDec 24, 2022 -
Area-of-geometric-figures Public
Algorithm that calculates the areas of geometric figures on DFD 1.1.
UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
Factorial-of-a-number Public
This is an algorithm on dfd, that calculates the factorial of a number.
UpdatedDec 19, 2022 -
This is an algorithm that sum the numbers of a vector on DFD 1.1
UpdatedDec 15, 2022 -
This is an algorithm that only accepts positive integer numbers. On DFD 1.1
UpdatedDec 4, 2022