EasyForm is a jQuery plugin that provides an easier way to create contact forms.
EasyForm is a jQuery plugin that provides an easier way to create contact forms.
First, you must include jQuery, because the plugin is based on it. After that, we must include CSS and JS from Bootstrap v3.3.1. And finally, include the plugin EasyForm.
<!-- jQuery -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<!-- Bootstrap JS and CSS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css">
<!-- EasyForm JS and CSS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.easyform.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyform.css">
<div id="myForm"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
token : '62bb61431348e22850828a5829c4373faafe29c1',
secret : '51a266c2844ccd5cac83d88de88d82d05358aa51',
title : 'Form',
fields : {
estado : ['PR', 'SC', 'RS'],
nivel : ['Beginner', 'Intermediate', 'Advanced', 'Ninja']
lang : 'en',
modal : true,
nameButtonModal : 'I want to receive materials by email'
.ef-error { float: left; }
.ef-dica { display: block; }
.ef-form { margin-bottom: 0; }
.ef-fieldset {}
.ef-legend-fieldset {}
.ef-label-campo {}
.ef-input-nome {}
.ef-input-email {}
.ef-select-estados {}
.ef-select-niveis {}
.ef-btn-submit { margin-top: 25px; }
/* --------------- Your Custom CSS --------------- */
/* ... */
token Token Hash for HTTP Request
default: ''
options: string
secret Secret Hash for HTTP Request
default: ''
options: string
urlRequest URL that will get the data of the form
default: ''
options: string
title Title of form
default: 'Form'
options: string
fields.estado Determines the select options. Ex.: ['PR', 'SC', 'RS']
default: ''
options: array
fields.nivel Determines the select options. Ex.: ['Beginner', 'Intermediate', 'Advanced', 'Ninja']
default: ''
options: array
lang Determines the lang of plugin
default: pt
options: pt, en
modal Determines if the form is on page ou in modal
default: false
options: boolean (true / false)
nameButtonModal Determines the name of modal button
default: 'Press to open form'
options: string
Thanks for read!