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qUnit functions and tests

JavaScript QUnit

This is a test project for Front-End Technologies May 2024 Course @ SoftUni


  • Sum Function: Adds two numbers and returns their sum.
  • isEven Function: Determines if a given number is even and returns true or false.
  • Factorial Function: Computes the factorial of a number recursively.
  • isPalindrome Function: Verifies whether a string is a palindrome.
  • Fibonacci Function: Generates the Fibonacci sequence up to a given number of terms.
  • nthPrime Function: Returns the nth prime number.
  • pascalsTriangle Function: Produces Pascal's Triangle up to a specified number of rows.
  • isPerfectSquare Function: Checks whether a number is a perfect square.
  • fetchData Function: Makes an API call to retrieve data from a specified URL and returns the response.
  • fakeDelay Function: Simulates a delay by returning a promise that resolves after a specified number of milliseconds.

Install QUnit

To write tests we will install QUnit.


  1. Open the Terminal in VS Code from View -> Terminal.
  2. Write the command npm init -y.
  3. After running the command, you should see the package.json file in the EXPLORER.
  4. Install QUnit through npm by executing the command npm install --save-dev qunit.

Write Tests

  1. Create a QUnit module in sum_tests.js:

    QUnit.module('Sum Function Tests', () => {
        QUnit.test('Sum of two positive numbers', assert => {
            assert.equal(sum(2, 3), 5, '2 + 3 should be 5');
  2. Run the tests by modifying the test script in package.json to use QUnit:

    "scripts": {
    "test": "qunit"

Tests for All Functions

  1. Sum Function Tests:
  • Test 1: Validate the sum of two positive numbers.
  • Test 2: Check for the sum of a positive and a negative number.
  • Test 3: Ensure the sum of two negative numbers works correctly.
  • Test 4: Handle edge cases, such as summing zero with another number.
  1. isEven Function Tests
  • Test 1: Verify if an even number returns true.
  • Test 2: Confirm that an odd number returns false.
  • Test 3: Check boundary values like 0 and negative even/odd numbers.
  1. Factorial Function Tests
  • Test 1: Compute the factorial of a positive integer (e.g., 5!).
  • Test 2: Ensure that the factorial of 0 returns 1.
  • Test 3: Test for large numbers to evaluate function performance and accuracy.
  1. isPalindrome Function Tests
  • Test 1: Confirm that a valid palindrome string (e.g., "racecar") returns true.
  • Test 2: Check for non-palindrome strings.
  • Test 3: Ensure the function is case-insensitive and handles punctuation.
  1. Fibonacci Function Tests
  • Test 1: Generate the first 5 terms of the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Test 2: Test edge cases like generating 1 or 0 terms.
  • Test 3: Check if the function handles large inputs efficiently.
  1. nthPrime Function Tests
  • Test 1: Return the 5th prime number (which should be 11).
  • Test 2: Handle boundary cases like the 1st prime number.
  • Test 3: Check performance for larger prime numbers.
  1. pascalsTriangle Function Tests
  • Test 1: Generate Pascal’s Triangle for 5 rows and check the structure.
  • Test 2: Ensure that invalid inputs (e.g., negative numbers) are handled gracefully.
  • Test 3: Test the function for a single row.
  1. isPerfectSquare Function Tests
  • Test 1: Verify that perfect squares (e.g., 16) return true.
  • Test 2: Ensure non-perfect square numbers return false.
  • Test 3: Handle edge cases like 0 and 1, which are both perfect squares.
  1. fetchData Function Tests
  • Test 1: Validate the response from the API endpoint. Check that all keys and values match the expected output, including the properties inside the "places" array.
  • Test 2: Test for a non-existent postcode and ensure that the response is undefined.
  • Test 3: Handle an incorrect URL and check that an error or undefined is returned.
  1. fakeDelay Function Tests
  • Test 1: Ensure that the promise resolves after a 1000-millisecond delay. Use an assertion to verify the correct execution time.
  • Test 2: Test for various delay times (e.g., 500ms, 2000ms) to verify the function handles different intervals.
  • Test 3: Check for invalid inputs (e.g., negative numbers or non-numeric values) and confirm that the function returns an appropriate error or behavior.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For any questions or suggestions, please open an issue in the repository.

Happy Testing! 🚀


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