AngularJS Single Page Application CRUD application using the power of the $resource service to interact with a RESTful webservice wich support CRUD operations on an MongoDB database.
This app is built merging the examples used in Creating a CRUD App in Minutes with Angular’s $resource and Creating RESTful APIs with Express 4 posted by Sandeep Panda.
Our app will be a simple movie database which supports basic CRUD operations. We will use Express 4 as the web framework and MongooseJS as the object modeling tool. To store the movie entries we will use MongoDB.
This example explains how to build Modern Web Apps with the MEAN stack.
The MEAN stack represents a group of technologies wich are known to synergize well together.
The major benefit of the MEAN stack is that it's extremely quick to prototype with. Node.js allows you to use Javascript on the backend as well as the frontend which can save you from having to learn a separate language.
install MongoDB
npm install
npm start
To start the app just follow: The Movie App